I am stuck in a job which I don't find very interesting (but I cannot switch).
I am working on a side project (about an hour a day) but still need to spend the whole day at the job.
Any advice on how to deal with it during the day ? Anybody been in that situation before ?
EDIT 1: The workload isn't much and even though I try to read up on the news and stay current, I still have to be at the workplace for 8 hours to keep up appearances.
EDIT 2: I am a software engineer. I cannot switch because of personal reasons (which will probably change next year allowing me to explore a little more). The other reason is I am not learning anything new. It's all stuff I have worked on before (at a much larger scale in a startup): the management team here thinks they are doing something that'll change the world but it's more because of their inexperience than anything else.
I do have my side-project which provides an outlet but it doesn't discount the fact that I spend 9 hours a day at something that doesn't get me anywhere.
EDIT 3: I did some HN searching and I find myself in a similar situation as :
I worked for an awesome team a couple of years ago on a great product. I was just out of school and it was a huge project which I thoroughly enjoyed, being the major player. Now I am working in a more crony-based organization where the things we are doing are way behind what I worked on before.
I was expecting progress, instead I find my judgement being overruled by less experienced people who haven't shipped any products. Anyhow, thanks for all the advice. I guess it's all about making lemonade out of lemons.
What's good about it?
What's good about it?
(I had to ask multiple times because we all know that the first couple of answers would be, "Nothing".)
Every job, no matter how boring, is loaded with "stuff" that you can use to contribute to your long term progress.
It may be access to a user who's an expert in their field and would love to share their expertise.
It may be a project that needs to be done, but no one else has time. And you can learn a lot of unexpected stuff from doing it.
It may be lots of interesting data on their hard drive that you can learn a lot from just by transversing and/or organizing.
Hell, it might even be proximity to a quiet coffee shop where no one would miss you.
It could be anything.
So if you're stuck, then it's your job to turn lemons into lemonade. (Practice turning lemons into lemonade is an invaluable skill on it's own; just ask any entrepreneur.)
Now close your browser and make a list of 10 things you can try to get some value out of this job while you're there. Then open your browser back up and let us know what they are.