I tried flicking the page right above the code fragment, but it turns out the scroll hijacking disables iOS's native inertial scrolling, so there's no way for me to read the rest of the article until I get back to my desktop.
I don't see the need for down-votes here: clearly many authors (in absolute terms, if not relative terms) tease their viewers with 30 minutes of reading, only to frustrate them by making the rest of the page inadvertently unreachable. I would think of these kinds of comments as a courtesy to the author.
You can read the article normally by using reader view on both Safari and Firefox, which make almost any article better to read anyway, at the expense that code blocks won't be properly formatted (in this case, on some sites code blocks just disappear).
I tried flicking the page right above the code fragment, but it turns out the scroll hijacking disables iOS's native inertial scrolling, so there's no way for me to read the rest of the article until I get back to my desktop.
I don't see the need for down-votes here: clearly many authors (in absolute terms, if not relative terms) tease their viewers with 30 minutes of reading, only to frustrate them by making the rest of the page inadvertently unreachable. I would think of these kinds of comments as a courtesy to the author.