> I am a bit disappointed to see this since it was a new browser from ground up
It's really not. The browser does have some new innovations... But it isn't something new from the ground up.
EdgeHTML is a fork of Trident. They dropped legacy code, and fixed a ton of things... But still a fork. In fact, EdgeHTML was available as an experimental feature in IE11.
Chakra is a fork of the JavaScript engine that was running in IE.
Edge is nowhere near a brand new browser. But it does look like they're on the way to get IE right under the new name. (Though security still needs some more work, apparently.)
It's really not. The browser does have some new innovations... But it isn't something new from the ground up.
EdgeHTML is a fork of Trident. They dropped legacy code, and fixed a ton of things... But still a fork. In fact, EdgeHTML was available as an experimental feature in IE11.
Chakra is a fork of the JavaScript engine that was running in IE.
Edge is nowhere near a brand new browser. But it does look like they're on the way to get IE right under the new name. (Though security still needs some more work, apparently.)