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Ask HN: Is there an alternative CSS for HN on phones?
2 points by Fej on March 16, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
See title. The buttons are really small, unfortunately, and I haven't found an app that replicates all functionality of the main site. This includes noprocrast.

There's a few unofficial HN web clients, here's some of the top results I found while searching "hackernews web client":

  - https://angular2-hn.firebaseapp.com/news/1  
  - https://hack.ernews.info/  
  - https://mblur.com/hackernews/  
  - https://hn.premii.com/  
  - https://app.hackerwebapp.com/
If you're on Android and prefer Native apps, I highly recommend [Materialistic]( https://github.com/hidroh/materialistic). It's available on both F-Droid and Google Play Store.

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