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IMO there's no point in arguing about the relative importance of investors versus employees, because everyone should be in favor of more flexible equity terms.

The 90 day rule creates a lot of risk for employees who lack the capital for early exercise. If employees are rational and well-informed, they'll heavily discount the value of any options with a 90 day expiration. By offering more flexible terms (like Quora's), companies should be able to hire the same candidates while giving away less equity.

Granted, some employees don't ask about the equity terms in their offers, or don't carefully consider the risks. But I think this is improving, and eventually more flexible terms will become standard. I've personally declined a few offers based on the equity terms.

> If employees are rational and well-informed [...]

That's a biiiiiig if. In my experience, this is definitely not the case for the vast majority of startup employees I know.

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