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The problem with those, the last time i checked, was that most html to pdf solutions don't support them. The only one I could find was Prince ( https://www.princexml.com/ ) , which is commercial and rather pricey.

I'm pretty sure that wkhtmltopdf supported these too, last time I used it, though it's been quite a while now.

Printfriendly PDF API supports it. https://www.printfriendly.com/api

Checkout https://docraptor.com/ - it's great - is commercial but affordable.

Docraptor is just the SaaS version of PrinceXML, the underlying software is the same. Much more affordable for small jobs though!

DocRaptor is based on PrinceXML, but also includes a much more advanced JavaScript engine

This looks interesting. Thanks, we are going to try it out.

I am using wkhtmltopdf for turning HTML orders to PDF for my company, I have no page break problems and printing is working like charm.

PhantomJS supports it too (either through `html-pdf` or manually).

I was looking into PhantomJS, this must be added since then. Great!

webkittopdf supported them just fine. And so does phantomjs when printing pdfs IIRC.

It's too bad webkittopdf is macOS only.

Webkittopdf (or however it's called) is cross platform, based on the Qt port of Webkit.

There is a wkhtml thing on Linux, but I use Phantom for this

weasyprint supports it

dompdf supports this.

What about Chrome? File -> Print -> Save as PDF. Works fine with these print properties as far as I can tell.

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