Most of the time I don't upvote because the link isn't good enough. It's very rare that I see a link I think is really worth people's time - maybe once or twice a week.
I could lower my bar, but the real problem is the binary nature of the vote. There's content that I really want more of, and then there's content that's better than average. If I vote both with my single vote, I'm not delivering the right level of information. It's almost like I want a supervote that can only be applied once a day, or once a week, that's worth more than one normal vote.
I just tried digging for examples of supervotes in the wild. The idea is intriguing.
Couldn't find an aggregator that does it. Interestingly, however, it's a common voting tactic on reality competition TV (e.g. The Voice, American Idol) [1].
Does anyone have examples of supervotes in action for online communities?
There's a Discourse-type thing (it's not Discourse) that gives you upto 3 votes on any one topic, and I think a daily maximum, that perhaps increases with user trust - but I don't remember the name.
I see it from time to time used as a forum or feature request tracker.
I could lower my bar, but the real problem is the binary nature of the vote. There's content that I really want more of, and then there's content that's better than average. If I vote both with my single vote, I'm not delivering the right level of information. It's almost like I want a supervote that can only be applied once a day, or once a week, that's worth more than one normal vote.