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> If he doesn't create the 10 jobs within 5-10 years his visa is revoked and he goes home. That seems reasonable, no?

Depends, is he funding the startup himself? If so, fair enough, he gambles his labour on a venture likely to benefit the US if it pays off. If not, He gets a 10-year visa, and maybe a chance at rolling the dice.

10 years is long enough to make good money without risking a startup. Put up 10 years worth of dev pay as collateral (7-800k?) and suddenly the deal is only worthwhile if, either:

a) the jobs are indeed created, and a 10yr visa becomes a green card,

b) the startup has considerably more value than the collateral.

Of course, the collateral would be so high it would be unreasonable to be able to give it upfront, so I'm not sure how you'd get round that..

> They buy various goods and services

feels like the Glass-Makers fallacy again; I have no idea how the chain of events plays out.

for example; people still buy goods and services from the US as exports, but without many of the commitments citizenship would entail.

bootstrap = grow a company from own funds and generated revenues, instead of taking external / investor funding.

You seem to be agreeing to give a green card equivalent of rights to an immigrant who is willing to bootstrap own startup and probably invest own money in it?

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