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Show HN: A React components library for building interactive maps (github.com/appbaseio)
88 points by d3js on Feb 10, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

As someone who just wants a modern React-based replacement for Leaflet -- just a tile (vector would also be nice) renderer, and not the appbase.io (not familiar) stuff, not any of the filtering or querying -- can this be used standalone?

Something like that would require a rich set of objects to be arranged declaratively based on the visible bounds, such as labels, icons, lines, polygons, etc.

Check out `react-mapbox-gl`. It's not perfect, but we're using it on my current project and have been quite happy with it- not least because the maintainers seem pretty cool about reviewing, merging, and publishing pull requests.

I've actually been wanting to fork it and expand it a bit to make it more feature-complete with Mapbox GL JS, but that's still in the works at the moment.

That looks quite nice, thank you.

You might want to check https://github.com/tomchentw/react-google-maps.

We build on top of it to add the querying functionality and additional components (everything that is not a map).

Thanks, but that's not a renderer, just a wrapper around the Google Maps widget. You may want to look into Leaflet since you're apparently not familiar with it.

Reactive Maps is a data components library, the UI components are data aware and can be composed together to create complex filter rich UIs.

While the library is geared towards building maps, the components can be used for generic (components include data aware Lists, Dropdowns, Range Sliders, Button Groups, Searchboxes, Calendars, Feeds, GeoDistance Search and sliders, Maps) UIs.

Some examples of such UIs built with the library are here - https://opensource.appbase.io/reactivemaps/#meetup.

Very sleek. Any examples of real-time data rendering and interaction? I often find that real time GIS needs are sorely underrepresented in the web world.

Would this work with react native?

Not right now, but it's on our roadmap.

Cool, I have been playing around with Mapbox and React a little bit for a project I wanted to start.

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