Hey HN,
I'm currently digging into case studies on how to do startups in the bootstrapping way; and so I turn to the nice HN community: what other blogs fits into the criteria?
successful: $1k/month at minimum
transparent: blog describing the internal business process of creating the startup
bootstrapper: no external investment
The ones I know of:
http://www.balsamiq.com/blog -balsamiq mockups
http://www.kalzumeus.com/ -patrick -bingo card creator (and others)
http://pluggio.com/blog/ -Pluggio (was: tweetminer)
Who else would fit into this criteria?
A while back (over a year), I had a reasonably open discussion about it here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=423249
I'm not afraid to discuss just about any internal operation I do with my business, I just don't have a blog yet. I started one a while back, but never really updated it.