I didn't read the article and all the comments but this is the sort of thing once again reminds that there's really nothing new in most of the new technologies :) Lets take Dom updates for example. Do you update the whole tree and rerender the whole screen or only the changed parts. Problem is essentially the "same" albeit tech and corner cases have their own set of differences. Next, consider that maybe your browser is just more fancier terminal and webserver is just evolution of old mainframes.
Well, that's just my way of thinking but because way of thinking and having started my career writing unix applications, I still can maintain my interest in latest 'trends' and at least feel that I have something to contribute when trend seems to gear towards hiring younger and younger devs.
Well, that's just my way of thinking but because way of thinking and having started my career writing unix applications, I still can maintain my interest in latest 'trends' and at least feel that I have something to contribute when trend seems to gear towards hiring younger and younger devs.