This is exactly the same problem as the UK housing market.
Mortgage loans typically have 2-10 year periods of discount or fixed rate (with the lowest interest rates normally found on the 2 year plans), then they revert back to the 'standard variable rate' which is significantly more expensive, and subject to change at very short notice. To keep a low interest rate you have to reapply for your mortgage every few years to get a new deal, and with reapplication comes the requirement to have a certain percentage of equity to loan.
Mortgage loans typically have 2-10 year periods of discount or fixed rate (with the lowest interest rates normally found on the 2 year plans), then they revert back to the 'standard variable rate' which is significantly more expensive, and subject to change at very short notice. To keep a low interest rate you have to reapply for your mortgage every few years to get a new deal, and with reapplication comes the requirement to have a certain percentage of equity to loan.