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There's nothing anti-developer in what I wrote. (Or the original reply.)

If I received such an email in response to my own question I would be reassured.

I'm not towing/toeing the company line here. There's simply nothing wrong here.


EDIT: in reply to your followup, no, I googled and it's some Trump spokesperson? (communications director). Basically I took it (in this comment I added this edit to) that you were saying I'm being counterfactual and spinning things, but I wouldn't have an issue receiving that email, as a developer, to a place I applied to. It would reassure me. I don't think it's spin - I think the original developer we're reading about is off-base.

What is problematic about what you wrote, is that it requires absolute confidence in the good behavior of the company; that it affords no protection to developers from malicious behavior by the company; and that it does not afford developers the same trust on an equal footing.

I disagree, as a practical matter none of what you wrote is true if I received this email. As a developer.


can you explain?

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