If your credit cards get stolen, you can cancel them. If they're used before you get a chance to cancel them, you aren't liable for those charges.
If your password gets stolen, you might be able to change it. But if the attacker gets there first, all you can do is get in touch with the website and say "my password got stolen and changed, please return my account" and hope they comply.
If you don't write down what your password is for, you're probably safe (but keep a backup, especially for email) - but only as long as most people don't do this.
If your password gets stolen, you might be able to change it. But if the attacker gets there first, all you can do is get in touch with the website and say "my password got stolen and changed, please return my account" and hope they comply.
If you don't write down what your password is for, you're probably safe (but keep a backup, especially for email) - but only as long as most people don't do this.