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Introducing The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming journal (programming-journal.org)
266 points by mpweiher on Feb 1, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 33 comments

Is there a way to follow the journal somehow..? RSS? Email subscription?

You can follow the Twitter account of <Programming> 2017, the conference associated with the journal: https://twitter.com/programmingconf

I'll ask if we can set up an RSS feed or mailing list specifically for the journal though. Thanks for the suggestion!

Kind regards, Tim Molderez (publicity chair of <Programming> 2017)

Just to add fuel to the RSS notion: there's been a minor exodus away from Twitter since the election, so for some of us that's no longer an option.

Pipe the important twitter feeds into an RSS feed. It's what I do :)

Do you use a service for this or something of your own? (I'd encourage a real feed in any case. It's past time to push more information through open channels).

You could use IFTTT, but I think you'd need to give it a Twitter account to work.

I've also found https://twitrss.me/ which doesn't require a Twitter login.

There are dozens, but that is the one I use. It's simple and no-bullshit.

One of the projects I would like to get to this year is writing a crawler that can format twitter and a few other sites that lack a proper RSS feed into an atom feed for me.

This is obviously due to the privacy concerns of pushing the feed through a random third party that can log my IP and determine which feeds I follow.

Still... what I have now is better than using twitter directly.

If you can't provide rss in a simple manner, perhaps you can use twitter but always with the same hashtag so that some service can be used. Twitter <> rss

Yes, please set up an rss feed. Thanks!

Your wish is our command; the journal now has an RSS feed :) http://programming-journal.org/feed.rss

Kind regards, Tim

Thank you so much!


+1, this is something I'd want to follow.


rss please

Definitely needs rss...

It's great to see academics come together to create and promote a free access journal.

It seems like the migration away from closed-access journals may happen on a case-by-case basis. Highly-regard open access publications are already quite common in some fields (e.g., machine learning) but virtually non-existent in others.

It would be nice to have a turn-key solution for an open-access journal, which would let the people in charge focus on the important stuff (organization, recruitment of volunteers, etc.). The platform would handle internal and external communication, the submission process, the review process, publication and archiving, etc. Not sure there's much financial incentive for such a project though.

The site mentions that the journal is sponsored by the AOSA non-profit. Pardon my ignorance, but what organization is that? There's no direct link to the sponsoring org from the website, and searching for AOSA non-profit yields a large list of increasingly unlikely sites.

* Architecture of Open Source Applications (the book spawned a non-profit maybe?)

* American Orff-Schulwerk Association, promoting creativity in learners

* Association of Seed Analysts

* ...

Aspect-Oriented Software Association

On the "article" page, sixth bullet, follow the <Programming> Conference link[1]. On the conference page, find the copyright at the bottom, follow the AOSA link[2]. Finally, hover on AOSA in the first paragraph.

Finding this information should not have required such meandering.

    1 - http://programming-conference.org/
    2 - http://programming-conference.org/steering/

There's a link in the bottom right hand corner of the page where it says "© 2016–2017 AOSA"

"AOSA is a non-profit organization whose mission is to be the primary sponsor for the ‹Programming› Conference and the Modularity Symposium."

Yes I had seen that, but <Programming> seems to be having its first conference this year, and Modularity's proceedings seem to be closed up in the ACM Library. So it was difficult to ascertain anything about AOSA and it's mission as an organization from that info.

Hi all, This blog post/FAQ should clear up the story behind the journal, and its relation to AOSA: http://tagide.com/blog/academia/the-art-science-and-engineer... Kind regards, Tim

Thanks that's very informative! There are many elements of it that might have been interesting to include on the Journal site itself. It's great to see new open-access Journals opening up!

Just seeing the name of the journal made me 90% certain Richard Gabriel was involved somehow. I was right.

Very nice to see that they're using DOIs from the start.

What's an example of a paper topic that would be suitable for this?

You can get some idea from the affiliated <Programming> 2017 conference call for papers: http://2017.programmingconference.org/track/programming-2017... I guess we'll see when more papers are accepted and appear in the journal!


"Programming", like the conference where each paper published in the journal is presented: http://2017.programmingconference.org/

The "Journal" in the HN title should be "journal". Also, "the" in the title should be "The". Title of the article is "Introducing The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming journal".

Thanks, we've updated the title.

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