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"Might his lower Twitter engagement have something to do with people getting sick of hearing from him about Trump?"

Do you really think the attention he gets on Twitter DROPPED because of him talking about Trump?

I've stopped reading Dilbert let alone Twitter.

Seeing him post pictures of himself acting in the role of sugar daddy to a petulant child-woman is well beyond my initial scope of interest in him.

My interest was Dilbert. It was all about making fun of the disconnect between management and employees. Ironically, his public persona is now at odds with the general theme of his work.

I suspect his original material is just the byproduct of his initial position and people emailing anecdotes to him.

So you reject the art because of the views of the artist? Have a fun time being able to enjoy anything.

If you go to dilbert.com the cartoon comes part and parcel with his blog. This dissuades me from visiting the site.

I like Wagner too. But if I had to read an anti-Semitic pamphlet every time I listened to him, I wouldn't put him in my playlist.

I think that's reasonable, no?

"If you go to dilbert.com the cartoon comes part and parcel with his blog."

You can see blog titles from his blog if you scroll down and read them.

Is seeing blog titles (if you choose to scroll down and then read them) like "outrage dilution" and "Should twitter and Facebook be regulated as entities" comparable to having to read an anti-Semitic pamphlet?

Chill out. Wagner is just the go to example for divorcing art and the artist.

When I go to dilbert.com, I see a mixture of full blog entries, cartoons, and blog titles. I'm simply not entertained in his attempts at blogging.

Adams has probably gotten a bit bored pushing the same cartoon out and now conflates the value of his blog with his cartoon.

EDIT: Also compare the UX between http://dilbert.com and http://www.cad-comic.com/cad/. With CtrlAltDel, the blog is there, but you don't have to scroll by it and you can completely ignore it. With Dilbert, the blog shows up before the cartoon. It's pushed down your throat.

Personally I adblocked the Dilbert blog posts so I could just enjoy the comics. I'd have done the same if he were posting any other flavor of political rant. If I did not have the ability to block the posts I'd have stopped reading.


No, just the work of the people I'd rather not support. Some artists and I have the same views and interests.

I will admit, only listening to GG Allin all day has been getting a little stale.

Yeah, but such expressiveness, and subtlety.

I have this problem with a lot of engineers I follow on twitter. I followed to see tweets about technology not your armchair political views.

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