I suspect PCI is okay with it so long as it is an unsecure page that posts to a secure one. Not that it's a great idea, but it would be encrypted in transit.
Edit: It appears PCI DSS V3.2 does ask that the form itself be on a secure page (section 4.1.g):
"for browser-based implementations: 'HTTPS' appears as the browser Universal Record Locator (URL) protocol, and Cardholder data is only requested if “HTTPS” appears as part of the URL."
In such a case one would expect the evil page to present something that looked like a credit card input to the user, but not to the browser. Sites would still want to use HSTS to combat the MITMing itself.
TNope that would violate PCI as well since you are then subject to clickjacking attacks unless you configure the site to only allow framing in from a specific url.
> The Hosted PCI Web Checkout module allows merchants to take credit card information on any page of their website. This includes checkout and my account pages. Hosted PCI uses an “Iframe” that can be easily installed on any website. Our Iframe is secure and is 100% Level 1 PCI Compliant. Our merchant’s websites never see the customer credit card information. That means, our merchants websites are not in scope for PCI Compliance requirements so you don’t have to spend time or tens of thousands on PCI audits yourself!