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I comment rarely, but had to chime in as the ACA was very important to me in terms of starting a company.

The ACA also allowed me to pursue founding a company. 6 months before the ACA kicked in, I left my job to start a robotics company. As I was only 29 years old, I did not think it would be a problem getting individual health insurance -- I had done it in the past when attempting my first venture.

What ended up happening was that every health insurance company rejected me for having the pre-existing condition of asthma! It made no sense as I was very healthy and my asthma under control as long as I took a control inhaler everyday. The cost of my medicine would be way less than the premiums I paid -- but some actuary somewhere decided I was too high risk!

For 6 months, I was scared of getting sick or injured -- to the point where I was considering giving up to get a job just for health insurance. That thought to me was just so ridiculous and heartbreaking that I couldn't do it --I just kept telling myself that I had to make it to Jan 1.

I was overjoyed the day I got my insurance card -- it was a huge sense of relief. What brought me even more joy was knowing all my fellow Americans whom also could not get or afford insurance could finally receive it.

Today I no longer need the ACA -- our company is doing great, we're well-capitalized, and provide excellent health insurance to all of our employees. Without the ACA, this dream would not have been possible. We were able to create wealth and jobs because of the ACA -- it makes no sense to repeal it.

Even before I needed the ACA -- I had enough empathy to know that every person has the right to health care and one of the biggest reasons I voted for President Obama. When it affected me personally, it obviously hit even harder. The GOP's lack of empathy as well as a real solution to the problem are just infuriating -- it is absolutely shameful and disgusting how they are attempting to repeal this law.

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