I've only discovered pic when it got mentioned in a previous thread (there was a Show HN for something called Code2Flow if my memory serves me well). I first thought it was about the Intel 8259 (Programmable Interrupt Controller) or Microchip's uControllers.
As for tikz, I've used pgfplot and tickz + matlab2tikz[0] to produce TeX PDFs from MATLAB figures (it can only export figures as raster or MATLAB .fig, unusable elsewhere), and include those in a bigger PDF (given the number of figures, they had to be generated separately and then included because the memory usage was just too high).
Fig1: Upper is a cleaned ECG signal. Middle is a Time-Frequency representation using an "Adaptive Optimal Kernel"[1]. Bottom is a Time-Frequency representation using Stockwell Transform. They look gorgeous embedded and you can zoom, contrary to MATLAB PNGs.
Fig2: baseline estimation using asymmetric least squares[2] (they used it to clean [spectro/chromato]graphy graphs and I tried it on ECG. It's really cool).
As for tikz, I've used pgfplot and tickz + matlab2tikz[0] to produce TeX PDFs from MATLAB figures (it can only export figures as raster or MATLAB .fig, unusable elsewhere), and include those in a bigger PDF (given the number of figures, they had to be generated separately and then included because the memory usage was just too high).
It gives something like Fig1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9ah60u89jjpcx7/fighadjxusefulclea...
or Fig2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ilceiaqorpg3gt/fighadjxasymetric....
Fig1: Upper is a cleaned ECG signal. Middle is a Time-Frequency representation using an "Adaptive Optimal Kernel"[1]. Bottom is a Time-Frequency representation using Stockwell Transform. They look gorgeous embedded and you can zoom, contrary to MATLAB PNGs.
Fig2: baseline estimation using asymmetric least squares[2] (they used it to clean [spectro/chromato]graphy graphs and I tried it on ECG. It's really cool).
[0]: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22022-m...
[1]: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/20c2/b82eef0809df80a402f125...
[2]: https://zanran_storage.s3.amazonaws.com/www.science.uva.nl/C...