Many folks have said it here but I'll say it again: Common Lisp.
I have been using it professionally for 5+ years as a full-time employee at various companies. Some big-name ones, some smaller start-up ones. The mean Lisp team size has been around 4, but I did work on a project of 15 Lisp programmers. None of these projects were legacy code. Some were in places you wouldn't expect (embedded, multi-processor systems on custom-designed boards, for example). In every single case, we had no additional trouble hiring a Lisp or Lisp-capable programmer as compared to hiring for any other language, including Python. (In fact, Python was more difficult to hire for because the market is saturated with beginners who claim expertise.)
Lisp is one of those languages where the ratio of long-term benefits and productivity vs. good initial impressions is at a record high. It doesn't look like C or Python or JS, with all the parentheses, so people brush it off.
Lisp isn't the pinnacle of every great idea to come about in computer science and software engineering, but it is one of the most robust, macroscopically well designed, and most productive languages for translating arbitrary abstract ideas into maintainable, production code. Even if it doesn't look initially very pretty in the eyes of a career Python programmer.
>In every single case, we had no additional trouble hiring a Lisp or Lisp-capable programmer as compared to hiring for any other language, including Python
Doesn't that imply an over-supply?
I did my grad research on a highly specialized topic, involving plenty of math/physics.
Then I worked in industry applying my skills for 4 years.
Then I switched to programming - nothing related to my engineering degrees. This job requires only a BS (and not really that - one of my coworkers has no degree).
The highly specialized job was the one where I had little leverage, lower pay, and a miserable experience. Why? Fewer jobs than supply.
Whereas for programming, the supply is much larger than for the specialized work, but the demand is even larger than the supply.
The geek in me yearns for a job where I can go back to numerical algorithms and physics. But frankly, those jobs tend to suck when you don't have much leverage.
Does it indicate over-supply? Maybe, but it's probably a bit more complicated than that. There is a very large supply of self-proclaimed Python programmers. (There's no official accreditation of this, of course, so we can only go by self-proclamation.) But this is unlike, say, raw materials supply for building a bridge. A lot---and by "a lot", I mean enough to be noticed when hiring---of the "Python programmer supply" is under-skilled. So, in reality, and limited to my own experience, the supply of skilled, knowledgeable Python programmers is much less than that of the total supply, so I'm not sure I'd label it as "over-supply".
With that said, though, and especially with huge companies like Google using Python as one of their main languages, the supply of qualified Python programmers is no doubt larger than that of Lisp. But, it's a fallacy to believe that the supply of qualified programmers correlates inversely to the time spent searching for them. It's sometimes easier to find needles that standout in the haystack.
As for software jobs in the domain of math/physics/etc., they're out there, but just harder to seek out. The world hasn't run out of hard science problems to solve, and many companies would go to great lengths to hire brilliant individuals who have both scientific acumen and programming skills.
>As for software jobs in the domain of math/physics/etc., they're out there, but just harder to seek out.
I'm well aware of that. However, my experience is the working conditions are poor. Some do have a higher salary, but everything else seemed worse.
Also, not entirely related, but it does suck more when you're working on a very challenging problem, and can't fully crack it on the company's desired schedule. You get negative feedback with veiled threats about losing your job. When you're in that situation, and realize that you can get a much easier job with similar pay, you have to ask yourself whether the risk of working a "science" job is worth the rewards.
It was all fun in grad school, where the deadlines were much looser and you're not worrying about saving for family, retirement, etc. But it really sucks if your livelihood is at stake merely because you wanted the thrill of working on a more challenging problem.
I would guess, maybe, but if the companies hiring Lispers try to low-ball their pay and work experience too much, the Lispers will just move on to programming a different language somewhere else.
Yes, might take a little time to get your Github up to speed with samples in a different language and employers intelligent enough to see past "X years in Y language" requirements, but I think it will be an easier shift than numerical algorithms and physics to programming, I think.
If you have become a truly skilled industrial programmer, you can very easily go back. There are a lots of interesting scientific programming jobs, but your typical Ph.D or post-doc is only half trained for them, at best.
There are fewer pure research positions, and unless you are very good there is a leverage problem there because every year dozens of new grads come looking for essentially that job. Something to bear in mind if your desire is primarily to work in matlab/python/R on things that look a bit like your thesis did.
You mention several benefits, how many of those do you feel apply to all "lispy" languages, and how many are specific to Common Lisp [in your opinion]?
I think it applies to Common Lisp specifically. I think languages like Scheme are just "not there" in terms of ecosystems and other things important to the professional programmer. I think debuggers, avenues for professional support, a unified standard, a variety of highly compliant open source implementations, and other things are necessary for any projects a business should invest in. Not to mention a sort of package manager.
The one exception is maybe Clojure, but I find Common Lisp to be all around better at the problems I've worked on (namely ones where at some point or another, a native machine code compiler is required). Clojure' async/immutability story seems good for larger distributed systems, though, and interoperation with Java is invaluable to some projects. (Though, Common Lisp does have an implementation atop the JVM, called Armed Bear Common Lisp. This is one of the many benefits of an official language standard.) But by using Clojure you are definitely locking yourself into a single implementation.
- sh (I really don't use bash features in scripting)
- awk
- perl
- sed, if that counts as language.
It's funny that a course that I took in university almost 29 years ago, for learning the use of Unix scripting tools, is one of the most useful learning experiences in my daily work today - even if my job is not really a programmer. But very often I see colleagues (project managers, architects etc) struggle with processing information in ways that involve a lot of repetition and manularity. Scripting solves those things.
(For some things also Excel and VB perhaps counts as an "old" programming language; it is also often quite useful. And I probably will end up doing something in C again this year.)
Any suggestions for a bash scripting tutorial to help me better connect the dots? Over the years I've learned some nifty one-liners, but I'm not really familiar enough with the patterns and art of of command-line thinking to solve my own problems in bash. Most of the bash resources I've found online are just loosely organized collections of magic spells. I'd really like to get better at it though.
The resource that has been instrumental for me to move up from beginner-that-generally-can-work-out-things-with-a-lot-of-random-tries, to someone who often has things right on the first try, and if not, have a clue of what is going on , has been the following book:
Classic Shell Scripting
Arnold Robbins, Nelson H.F. Beebe
Recommend it to anyone with a basic understanding and a will to learn more. It also really doubles as a rich information resource. Cannot recommend it enough if books are your thing.
I would recommend two things: 1. Read the "bash" man page about once a year, and 2. Learn Perl or Python or something for the harder tasks.
It's helpful to learn some more about bash, and there's some good stuff in there. But shell scripts above a few dozen lines tops are a bad idea, and even those "few dozen" lines need a surprising amount of armoring with "set -e" and such.
I don't think this is because bash is bad. I've come to the conclusion that there's a fundamental tension between interactive use and safe programmatic use, and anything really good at the one is not going to be good at the other. In particular, interactive users more-or-less want the shell to accept inputs that are a bit sloppy, because they can interactively recover from the vast bulk of misinterpretations immediately, whereas a program becomes very risky with the same level of sloppiness because it will quite likely just keep going, doing very bad crazy stuff. (Which is why all my shell scripts tend to start with "set -e", which amounts to "If you get confused... STOP, instead of trashing an arbitrary amount of state.")
And again let me emphasize #1. By splitting my world up into interactive use and programmatic use, I've made my peace with shell, and I don't hate it or anything. I use a lot of the features interactively. For instance, I do a lot of little loops on the command line. Often I'll build them up with some "echo"s done to make sure that it's about to do what I think it will do. There's a lot of great ways to save time in interactive bash (or zsh or whatever), and the best part is, in interactive use you can be as crazy efficient as you want and there are no software engineering implications. Writing bash scripts with every crazy sophisticated trick in the books starts raising software engineering issues fast, and worst of all, some of them are quite invisible ("what if you run this in a directory with a file with a space in it? a newline? a file called '-rf'?"), to say nothing of whether the next person working on the script will know what all the fancy operations do. And I've got a decent-sized collection of 5-line bash scripts lying around doing various things. I just don't let them get much longer.
One of the most useful things to do is just load up an index in your head of what bash can do, then know you can look it up if you ever want it.
(Substitute your choice of shell for bash throughout.)
[Shameless plug] Not too long ago, I wrote a small book that tries to address those kinds of questions, i.e. how to use Bash to solve problems instead of 1-liners. You may find it useful:
Too true. When I was 13 or so, I read the DOS 5.0 manual from cover to cover. If I recall, a lot of it was about batch files (autoexec.bat and stuff). Batch was really my first "programming" experience.
Then when I was 22, after a good computer science education, my first job was working at EA, and the build system involved a bunch of batch files. That knowledge from nearly a decade before came in handy! The CS stuff didn't come up until later.
I find that clear notetaking is amazing in guiding discussions. Being the one who sends out the meeting summary with next actions and clarifying remarks or being able to refer back to meeting notes gives me an amazing power in making decisions or resolving disputes. Just because I'm the one who's writing stuff down, I'm somehow given the authority to say "this is what we decided at the meeting".
It varies. I'm often tinkering, which is a problem, I know. I've used a notebook, a Surface pen and One Note, a text file, scribbles on the agenda for the meeting (if there was one). It depends if it's a teleconference or not, whether my laptop battery is charged, if I can find a nice pencil, etc. etc. as well.
The summaries always go out as emails, of course, and if I paper note-take, I try to take a picture and upload it to onenote or sharepoint.
We use a record feature in Zoom for our teleconferences that we want to save, but notes are always better because you can review conclusions without the noise of skipping through discussions. It'd be amazing if there was an application that recorded meetings then summarized them.
I am not who you were asking, but I exclusively use pen and paper during meetings. I try to keep my laptop closed and transcribe action items to a personal trello board after the meeting is done.
The trello part is more recent, but I have notebooks going back to my first internship in 2012(which I know isn't that long for most here). It's pretty interesting to see old notes I took and the problems I had at the time.
I've found that the more attention I pay to my notes, the better I recall the topic at hand even without referring to the notes I've taken.
As a result I exclusively use pen-and-paper for meetings. I also started using fountain pens about two years ago and the discipline required to write well, especially with vintage flexible nib pens, helps keep me focused on note-taking.
I'm not a native English speaker. I could throw in that the best thing regarding learning I did (in addition to buying a home computer) was to get J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit (which came with the adventure game) which in turn led me to read LOTR and then other books in English, and generally become much more fluent.
Later on, wasting time reading NNTP news at the uni was also actually a good investment for learning the language in a way that is useful at work.
For my kids, the games have again been the same thing, along with Harry Potter books.
That's interesting. Whenever my dad wants to become more comfortable with a new language, he reads the translated editions of Harry Potter, too! He's read "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" in Dutch, French, Arabic, Mandarin, and Spanish, lol.
And the ten minutes striking up a conversation with that strange kid in homeroom sometimes matters more than every other part of high school combined
Wow, that is pretty weird. That was true for me in college. I was at home after graduating in January 2002, at the bottom of the dot com bust. It was hard to find a job then.
I took this world music course in college, and I remember I talked to this guy who was also a computer science major, and he told me he was going to EA. Probably 6 months later, I e-mailed him out of the blue, and that got me the internship which led to my first job.
So instead of all the computer science stuff, I should have just relied on connections from the world music course and on my DOS batch file knowledge from age 13 :)
Very true with perl, although for me it came a bit too late: Larry Wall published first version of Perl at the time of that course, so it obviously wasn't in the content, and I did the stuff with sh, sed and awk, and perl has unfortunately always been a bit of an afterthought for me (I have to look at a manual in some simple things where with awk I don't).
Seriously! I learned so much about scripting and networks in my high school programming classes because a group of us just wanted to play Quake 3 and CS 1.6 instead of doing assignments, and we needed to get around whatever software they had in place to monitor whether you were slacking off.
I'm not proud of it (and I'm not going to share the code) but I wrote a CMS for a medium-traffic site entirely in bash and standard unix tools like awk/grep.
It should be an absolute clusterfuck but it's been surprisingly reliable and performant, to the point where I have no desire to replace it.
If you can't show the code, can you give any info about the overall design of it? I can't even think how you'd structure a "large" application in shell scripts.
This is how many web apps in 1999 ran. As long as you treat your inputs carefully and properly handle file locking, there's nothing inherently bad about that approach.
I love that I'm at a company that I haven't had to use SQL. I don't know if I could even find a relational database here.
But in a classic meme sense: "It isn't you I hate SQL, it's what I have to think about when I use you." I don't want to spend my time thinking about database indexes, query plans, or other complicated bits. I just want to get my data out.
Sometimes I struggle, and I'd give anything for a plain inner join, but on the whole I like this tradeoff.
I still teach SQL, via SQLite, as a first language to students, even though in practice I do 90% of my data analysis through the command line or Pandas. But SQL is very direct and clear as a language, and the overhead of SQLite is...well, light. Making an index is just one more line of code that for many datasets, you run once and never touch again.
What do you find simpler in terms of data querying and management?
I love sql myself. I'm not sure why I love it so much and other people hate it. Sometimes I think that coming up with reasons is just after the fact justification (do I really like it because it has a solid mathematical foundation in the relational calculus, or does that just sound like a good reason to say I like it)?
Pandas is an excellent contribution to data analysis, but I gotta tell you, I was absolutely delighted to learn about pandasql and realize I could write selects, group by, order by, and so forth, converting data frame to data frame through sql.
What can I say? I truly encourage people to give SQL a real chance. I'm happy to use ORMs that save me some typing on simple queries, and certainly I use a combination of pandas and sql, there are some things much better accomplished through a programming language. But I'm willing to drop to SQL pretty quickly if I sense that the programming language or library is really just forcing me to re-learn a new implementation of sql.
I agree, I was always so so about SQL until I had to use a lot of it. The syntax isn't amazing, but the relational model works really well once you can think in sets. The declarative nature of it means that if I push stuff from the app layer to the database layer its usually less buggy and has better performance.
I used to dislike it myself, and in the context of building within a framework like Rails, I'll defer to an ORM. But my appreciation for SQL deepened as I became a more experienced programmer and began valuing explicitness in code. The reason why I do most data work in Python is because most of my work is exploratory, and I need a language that is well-suited for gluing together services and non-analysis-specific functions. But when it comes to doing work in which time and consistency and portability is Key, SQL is my choice for structured data.
That's interesting. I didn't learn SQL until taking a course on it in grad school. I had some programming background, mainly from math classes and a bit of CS.
the concept of a query really seemed odd, it took some mental adjusting. My only programming background was largely in writing procedural code. My brain really wanted to think in terms of methods, functions, inputs, and return values.
It's been so long (18 years since that course), that it is difficult to remember the mindset I was in. It all seems pretty natural now. But you are absolutely right, you do need to start thinking in terms of sets and operations on sets, not in terms of methods with inputs, procedures, and return values
I was in a similar boat. I studied computer engineering in school but didn't take any database course. My first encounter with SQL was years later as an education reporter. Someone in the newsroom threw out a "Access 97 for Dummies" and I picked it up and realized it was just what I needed to do the kind of analysis I wanted on California schools and test scores ( is quite good about posting raw data [0])
I eventually moved from Access to MySQL/SQLite, but if it weren't for Access's interactive query designer, where the tables are presented as lists of columns and you draw/drag lines to declare a JOIN between columns [1], I honestly don't think I would have ever grokked SQL.
I actually think that without SQL, I would have never understood the power and purpose of a JOIN, even though that concept of comparing lists is the foundation of most investigative research. So I justify forcing SQL on to journalism students not merely because it's a useful skill, but because it presents the best vocabulary and grammar for describing the idea of joins.
Also, SQL's general lack of data-munging functions or conveniences really drives home that data is just characters and numbers, and doesn't magically have meaning or come into existence. That is an extremely difficult concept to convey with Excel -- e.g. how it automagically converts `9-11` into `11-Sep` and confers a datetime context onto what was just plaintext.
Couldn't agree more - I often see this pattern in programmers - they try to think in cursors instead of sets and end up really fighting the instrument - not using it as intended.
I kind of inferred this, rather than outright stating it, but I like SQL. The concepts are elegant, the language is a little kludgy but not obscene. I can never really remember the semantics of left, right, outer and inner joins, but I usually don't want missing data so inner all the way.
It's not SQL I dislike, it's that it means I'm using a database, and I've lost more of my life than I care to admit to in planning, designing, and maintaining databases so that they perform under production pressures.
The functionality of SQL is great but I really wish it would like more look like other programming languages. I wonder how SQL would look like if someone would design it now.
It also should integrate easier with other languages. Using SQL from C# or C++ is a real pain with tons of casts and string manipulation. Better debugging would also be nice.
A SQL like language in JavaScript is Mongo shell, which is much more complex that SQL. Every time I use it I wish they adapted SQL to Mongo instead of writing their own thing. I usually end up writing complex queries in Ruby with Mongoid. They're more compact and easier to understand.
About ActiveRecord/AREL vs SQL, they're more or less the same. Sometimes a query is easier to understand in Ruby, sometimes in SQL. Complex queries are much easier to read in SQL or outright impossible to code in Ruby.
If I could change something about SQL I'd change all the arbitrary weirdnesses of the data definition language and the non orthogonal stuff, like HAVING which is a WHERE in a different context (aggregations vs rows).
Wow. I'm surprised at the negative thoughts about SQL. I didn't realize I was an outlier.
I'm grateful that it doesn't look like other languages. The format it uses is really easy to generate using other languages, which makes it really useful in a lot of what I do.
I found that SQL is actually an excellent language for people with no coding background. Especially in the BI field it's easy to teach people SQL so that they can perform their own (often quite powerful) queries. It's much easier than learning a proper programming language.
A re-design might be nice for programmers, but would likely lock out most people with no programming backgrounds who work on databases.
Maybe simple queries like "Select where" are intuitive for non-programmers but once you start joining tables things get pretty ugly. Also, the syntax for UPDATE is totally different from INSERT although they do similar things. Why does UPDATE use key value pairs but INSERT uses list of column names followed by list of values?
Since Javascript is the best programming language ever (so I hear :-) ) maybe using Javascript syntax and objects would be nice.
Like the FireFox SQLite Manager plugin, it's cross-platform and free and fairly easy for anyone to install. DB Browser's interface is substantially cleaner than the Firefox plugin, though, and the devs are responsive on Github.
DB Browser is great, all things considered, but I've never found a GUI that didn't overcomplicate the kinds of simple interactions I want when teaching databases (i.e. 99% of what I teach are SELECT queries). It also makes a few concessions in order to appeal to the Excel crowd. For example, not committing writes to the database until you do a Cmd-S...which contradicts what I tell my students about how SQL gives you more responsibility through explicit and consistent behavior (e.g. when you delete a row, it's gone don't ever delete things unless you really need to). On the other hand, some of the concessions are nice, such as the ability to rename columns via the GUI, which is not part of the SQLite spec.
So I have contemplated teaching SQL from the command line. But I've had a hard time imagining how the steep learning curve could justify the potential advantages for the average novice.
(that page also includes how to work with Sequel Pro and MySQL; I soon realized that giving students two choices for learning SQL was a very bad idea and have since stuck to SQLite)
I've found it better to provide pre-packaged databases for students and basically ignore the administrative part of SQL and databases -- e.g. importing of data, defining a schema, creating indexes, etc. -- until we've learned all we can about working with SELECT and JOIN:
Hard to imagine how it's to live in a company that has no database. But I do take issue with that:
> It isn't you I hate SQL, it's what I have to think about when I use you.
Do you live at the fringe of performance like that? Nobody spends much time thinking about those things, and the few times that require thinking about them would require thinking about much more complicated things if you weren't using a database.
It's not so much existing at the fringe of performance, but there have been weeks of my life lost to needing to tune a query or an index. Sure, some of that time is actually building the index I just added. But I don't want to have to figure out a query plan.
If I'm building a simple CRUD app, then I don't need the complexity that SQL provides. If I'm building something bigger, then I probably need to think about the query plans.
I would have loved a tool that I could hand a proposed schema, estimates of the data, and some SQL I want to run that would come back and tell me "That's stupid, because you're doing a join on computed data; add this index, denormalize this field, and remove this clause from your query." but I'm also realistic enough to know that such a tool isn't plausible.
Postgres has explain and some third parties make query tuners.
Oracle has a host of third party tunes, Solar Winds being the first that comes to mind.
I don't know if any of these can do it off a proposed schema but you could create a dummy database and your insert/read routines run a script against it to simulate transactions and run the capture on these tools and they will explain the recommended adjustments. Some of them like MMSQL query tuner will export a script that can make the adjustments.
The biggest thing for DB performance for most CRUD applications is to ensure you eliminate table spools on joins. If you find all of those you are ahead of the game in most instances.
The worst of my time was using Oracle, around 2008. Back then SolarWinds was just a consulting company. And I don't really do much relational work anymore. A lot of my stuff ends up being documents with simple keys organized in hierarchical ways, and the few relational things I do are easily handled with that model, and wouldn't justify an actual database.
Why should I have to know what a table spool is and why they're bad?
Surely there's a relational DB somewhere...perhaps indirectly via Saas? Maybe payroll, company books, timesheets, or some other software common to most businesses.
I used to think I hated SQL until I decided I had had enough of it and I tried to do a project using a no-sql database. Suddenly everything became a lot harder and I was having to write massive amounts of code to do the things that could be done with a few lines of SQL. Even the simplest of tasks just sucked the life out of me.
I soon ported the project over to use Postgres and decided that actually SQL is awesome.
I know exactly what you mean. I've realised that when you're solving a hard problem (complex data logic, extreme performance requirements) with SQL, you end up systematically experimenting and thinking very deeply within a rigidly defined system. With no-sql databases, you're monkeying with obscure APIs that cover up obscure, idiosyncratic, and hard-to-reason about database engines, and patching strange behavior with rickety app-layer code.
Both kinds of work are hard, but with SQL you can usually expect the problem to yield to intense engagement and produce a solution that's complete, robust, and satisfying.
my workflow with complex queries despite the fact the outcome is always the same: Write a SQL query to see if it works as supposed, use a query builder in another language, analyze the code and the query because it's not as fast as I would liked to, realize the entire code in another language would be faster if it were a stored procedure in SQL, write stored procedure, repeat.
Lots and lots of C. (I'm mostly an embedded C programmer these days). Some C++ for a bit of higher-level "business logic" that benefits from a class-based approach, but a fairly limited subset of "modern" C++.
Coming from the HFT side, I find C++ surpasses C in a lot of ways for optimization work. Mainly you can use integer template arguments and generic functions to abstract all the boilerplate in a way that is more safe than C macros.
For a semi-contrived example, instead of writing a do4Things() and do8Things() to unwind some loops, I can write template<int> doThings() where the int argument is the bound on the loop.
And having things like a universal template<typename Whatever> toString() that operates on enum classes is nice.
The downside is that it's horribly easy to invoke allocations and copy constructors by forgetting an ampersand somewhere, and the std library isn't well suited to avoiding that behavior either. You have to be vigilant on your timings and occasionally callgrind the whole thing.
Yeah, the nice thing about C++ is that you can generally hide highly optimized portions of code behind nice templates or class interfaces. And with templates you can write libraries that let a lot of compile time logic happen to inline a bunch of stuff and not have to resort to virtual methods.
But when it comes to using things like custom allocators, etc. it's a nightmare. Or a lot of the compile time "traits".
I have a friend who makes a living writing CUDA kernels as C++ templates. His job will be safe for decades to come because noone will be able to decipher the code. :)
C++ has this weird evolution curve where as you start using features things improve up to a point then go downhill, but then go uphill again with new modern features
If you limit yourself to using the STL with C++11 stuff but don't go crazy with inheritance and templating in your classes it can be nice
Serious question: How does one get into this C embedded stuff?
I'm addicted to low-level "embedded" type work. But all I hear back from are Django, RoR, $HOT_JS_FRAMEWORK, DevOps teams/recruiters.
Is there some buzzword or special topic to know and do a project in? Any suggestions for projects to display on GitHub, topics to know through and through (domain specific knowledge)?
I sit at work thinking all day about RasbPi sensor projects sitting on my workbench collecting dust due to job+young kids.
Search for companies that need to design sophisticated hardware at very low cost. This pretty much guarantees they need to hack microcontrollers, which are usually programmed in C. One I've worked with in my past life as an embedded developer is TI MSP430 (costs pennies), but there's many others.
Another route to code in C close to the hardware is to find work writing Linux kernel device drivers. Of course, you have to know the Linux kernel fairly well in addition to being a good C programmer to land that sort of job. Companies that need this skill include server manufacturers that design their own network interfaces and such, and perhaps phone manufacturers, or companies that design their own SoC's (Qualcomm, TI, etc). Maybe some IoT startups need this skill as well.
Yet another way to code in C is to work in a place that needs to program DSPs. Usually, this also requires knowledge in video/audio engineering. Companies that need this skill design and sell devices that do some sort of video / audio encoding (like video conferencing devices, etc).
I'm sure there's many others I'm not thinking of. I hope this helps...
Look by industry. In the financial sector, knowing VHDL/Verilog is becoming popular (given the rise of FGPAs everwhere). In sectors like robots, defense, aerospace, etc. you'll find a lot of traditional embedded roles.
These aren't "sexy" areas so don't expect to get recruited. Like, mainframe programmers, these positions are in demand but just aren't widely advertised at all.
Being familiar with RTOS's is certainly useful, since there's a decent chance that your future automotive/aero/industrial job uses one.
For a reference of stuff to learn about, go grab the manuals (usually massive) for a recent embedded CPU and see what common topics are foreign to you. Just reading the TOC should prompt some ideas. You may not be applying for one of the lower level "board bring-up" type jobs, but that team will be delivering you libraries that assumes familiarity with IRQs, timers, memory paging, processor modes, DMA, lots of I/O types, etc.
I would get a Teensy 3.2 and start programming bare metal with Arduino. You could also start with Arduino on AVR, but the Teensy gives you a lot more headroom and performance and a very small physical size for very small $.
Arduino is just g++ under the covers, and you can use as much or as little C++ as you want. You can stick to straight C if you like just by not using any C++ features.
My only real gripe with C is that you have to write your own functions/macros (or use someone else's) to make dealing with strings intuitive. The stdlib is perfectly fine from an algorithmic standpoint, but I always have to look up every string function's manpage, every single time I use them.
Plus if you don't need inheritance, you can just use pointers to structs and pass them to functions. And if you need simple polymorphism in some small places, you can use tagged unions.
This viewpoint is exactly why I like Rust. It has syntactic sugar to make things look like traditional objects, but everything is really a bundle of data with a set of associated static functions. (v-tables only appear with trait objects AFAIK, which are uncommon compared to templates.) And tagged unions are built in, with pattern-matching!
Well, I was using the term a little sarcastically since it is (I think) usually applied to multi-tier web service architectures.
In my case I have an embedded system with a touch screen display, running a bunch of tasks to drive peripherals. There is a task that handles communication with the touch screen (serial). Then there is a set of slow tasks that handles states and modes, for example the runtime representation of a modulator or an RF amplifier. This got extended because we are adding "remote control" support over RS-232 and USB and so this runtime representation has to support more of a multiple model-view-controller. This can be done with queues and a lot of functions but it was simpler to represent it as a tree of stateful values that can be updated via remote commands or via the touch screen and have "downstream" updates. So that's what I mean by the "business logic" -- higher-level than, say, a driver and task for talking to a digital potentiometer or a DAC.
Tcl. It works really well as a cross-platform (*nix/Windows) alternative to shell scripting that doesn't suffer from the same problems as the POSIX shell (see It builds on the same foundation of everything being text but with a few changes to the substitution rules builds something a lot like a Lisp on top of it.
I found expect (which is Tcl + some extensions, I believe) to be quite useful.
Implementing something like modem initialization - "Send AT command to modem/wait for a reply matching one of several patterns or a timeout/handle result/rinse, lather, repeat until done" - is quite trivial to do with expect.
It's not something I use every day, but it's one of those useful things to keep in your mental toolbox.
Came here to say this. Expect was and remains extremely powerful.
I've been using it for 15 years to automate network configuration deployment. Now that automation is all the rage in the industry it gets dismissed, but I find it is often much better than some of the other tools available.
It can read/write stdin/stdout (just as any scripting language can) so it can be used to write additional filters/tools that don't exist in the standard set that can then be used from shell as with any other tool.
But if you mean using it to create a pipeline out of existing command line tools, then yes, but with a bit more boilerplate than plain shell needs. The built in "exec" command has an almost shell syntax for starting pipelines, and the "open" command supports the same syntax, so it is 98% "as well" in that regard. But to avoid getting stuck in a deadlock trying to write data to a pipeline that is returning filtered data to the script requires turning on Tcl's event driven file IO, which is where the extra boilerplate comes from.
>That depends upon your definition of "integrate".
I meant roughly all that can be done with shell, except maybe somewhat differently (due to Tcl's different syntax or features). The usual things: call existing command-line tools, write scripts in which you use its own syntax/features as well as call / pipe between / orchestrate command line tools, redirect std I/O, etc. - the things that make the shell powerful.
Thanks for the reply. Seems like it is close to equivalent from what you say.
It compares doing the same task (getting a part of a string from the last line of a text file) in Tcl and Python. Seems to conclude that some things are easier in Tcl and some in Python (based on a quick read).
Most of my work is in C++, which is almost 35 years old. By far the best choice of language for cross-platform, client application development, especially C++11/C++14, which bring modern language features (e.g. lambdas, futures, etc) with all the original benefits of the language.
Hands down the best thing about C++ for me is that with modern C++ you can write relatively safe clean code while taking advantage of decades of robust libraries.
Yeah, Rust is a big step forward in some respects, but it'll be almost a decade before we see it catch up to C++'s incredible ecosystem. C++ is almost the lingua franca of finance, for instance.
Rust can already take advantage of the C ecosystem quite easily. Rust/C++ usability is a major goal for 2017. I'm hoping that by year end you can have the best of both worlds. The advantages of Rust for new code and the mountain of code that exists for C and for C++.
Well, the C ecosystem has always been easy. The nice thing about C is that generating bindings is a breeze.
I've never been a fan of bindings to C++ libraries. They usually always feel cumbersome and hardly idiomatic. Like it or not, the best way forward is to bite the bullet and slowly natively reimplement the libraries we need in Rust.
I'm starting some work next year on writing some of the basic libraries that someone in the electronic trading world might want to start writing applications in Rust (a FIX/FAST engine and a port of the Aeron message transport). I'm already also writing a native Rust port of our internal consolidated market data library. We already have a Go port along with the C++ code and plan on open sourcing these pretty soon. This stuff tends to be highly proprietary and slow to develop so hopefully we can get some of the more cutting edge users to pitch in and get more people using the language.
C++ FFI will likely be difficult given that unlike C, C++ lacks a stable ABI since the standard doesn't define an ABI, and leaves it up to compilers to implement.
I used to write in a pre-11 style. When I got my first job where everyone was using all the hot new features, my mind was blown and my life quality doubled.
I love that C++ is my primary language right now, after years of being stuck doing Java. I really enjoy working in C++11. With CLion it's super awesome.
CLion really has made C++ fun again. Yeah, there are some bugs you run into here and there with the static analyzer but generally it's fast, really intuitive, and nice to work with.
Too old for any one language to have lasted my entire career. But:
C for (embedded(embedded))* audio DSP engine, with hardware specific intrinsics and occasional drops into inline ASM when those fail. When every cycle counts and Hard Real Time contracts must be met, to me it is anathema for any invisible compiler-generated code to exist - such breaks the required determinism. So no C++. Would write in pure ASM in the old days. Still want to - most times the C preamble/postamble is not needed in event handler functions. But TPTB dictate otherwise. Small talent pool and they want Jr progs to take it over.
FORTH as the most useful interactive hardware/low level software debugging tool for behavioral debugging (vs post mortem breakpoint debugging, which loses the behavioral context). Used to use hardware logic analysers for this but system complexity out-grew them. I should note I am not using a commercial FORTH, rather a freeware core greatly extended and modified by me for this purpose. Used it in several projects with different CPUs and architectures over the years. Can feed it C headers for readable dumps too (translator written in PERL). Key point: does this while the target continues executing. Caveat: do NOT use unless you know and understand every line of code in the engine and its implications for the target system. Given that, it's the sharpest double-edged handle-less debugging tool I've ever found.
* the DSP engine is embedded inside a larger embedded system. All inside the same chip. Makes for interesting times when one cannot touch it directly in main OS land.
Delphi/Pascal ran the call center telephony system at a company I worked at, and it ran it well. It was very performant and stable, and ran things for around 14 years.
Spent a while writing and modifying Delphi apps there, I really enjoyed it. I'm actually surprised it isn't used more today, it was definitely "rapid development" at the time.
One thing it was great for was making small, dependency free executables. Similar to today's concept of "Microservices" we often wrote small executable services and applications for tasks and it was very straightforward and simple. You could whip something up in a couple hours that accomplished a lot. Push the .exe file somewhere, add it into the process and forget about it.
Not surprised people are still out there using this stuff.
> I'm actually surprised it isn't used more today,
I'm not at all. Embarcadero has made Delphi a language that is out of reach of the beginner as their Delphi has been rediculously priced. Until recently they didn't have a free Delphi entry level product, it was $199 and was crippled. Now they at least have a free version but the cost has prevented me several times from actually learning Delphi. Now there is FreePascal but Lazarus just seemed clunky and I don't think it has as many bells and whistles as Delphi has.
>I'm not at all. Embarcadero has made Delphi a language that is out of reach of the beginner as their Delphi has been rediculously priced.
Where I live, piracy is casual. People get software for free, and they stopped using Delphi because of Embarcadero. When people don't even deign to pirate your software, something's off.
I think there are many who are still on Delphi 6 which is what I used when I was younger. It was simple, effective, tight. Then that Embarcadero thing came out.
I just think their marketing sucks and their IDE is nowhere near Visual Studio but the price points are nearly the same. Sure you get the VCL and other proprietary things (such as their fireman firemonkey app platform which deploys to android and iOS) but the cross platform tooling for .NET has gotten much better that C# makes more sense for many LOB applications than Delphi does.
My company has a multi-million-LOC application directed at medium to large healthcare providers written in FreePascal. I have worked with a lot of different codebases, and this is by far the best one. I would like to say it is because I have been the code dictator since it's inception, but it is probably because things are quite easy to structure using pascal.
I am working on 20 years old codebase that runs accounting, warehouse management, time tracking, invoicing and whatnot monster that power most of the roofing companies in Austria. It is still Delphi 5 + Paradox, developed on Windows XP (I run it from VM on Mac), but work on modern Windows as well. Networking is a bit of problem, but nothing we can't deal with.
On the other side, I don't think that Delphi/Pascal is dead and I am starting new project this month: control software for laboratory equipment. I can't find any other tool that will let me create multiplatform desktop software that interface directly with hardware. This new software will be written in Lazarus instead of Delphi.
Not unsurprisingly, I'd much recommend getting rid of Paradox. For my projects (several 100KLOCs, most of it DB-related) I relatively easily migrated to Firebird with IBObjects ( – not affiliated), both of which have been a major success.
Migrating db is on my list all 9 years I am working on project, but I still havent find a way to do it. Core of the problem is stupid idea that paradox tables are actually files, so there are tons of copying and moving files around instead of using paradox as db.
Given the complexity of project and our budget it will have to stay.
Sometimes I fantasise about what would've happened if MS had decided, by some fluke, to push, say, OCaml as their big .Net initiative. Can you imagine MS Visual OCaml#? OCaml for Windows app development ... that would've turned some heads.
Exactly, instead of creating a Java clone, what if they'd decided to use a well-understood existing functional language with an elegant module and object system from the very beginning....
Ah, interesting. I used MPW a bit, but far more THINK C and CodeWarrior "back in the day." It is interesting to me that the MPW toolchain would still be useful.
One of the companies that works with us in health care projects do all their Windows products in Delphi and AFAIK they don't plan to change anytime soon.
I like Delphi. I used to play a lot with both Dephi 7 and VB 6 back when I was in high school. The nice thing about both of them was that they made GUI programming really easy, but Pascal was just a nicer language.
Delphi and C++ Builder downfall sadly started when Borland went greedy and started to scare customers with their lack of business focus, specially the spin off.
I think their biggest mistake was trying to follow Microsoft into .Net instead of taking over the native desktop development niche. A native Delphi 8 with some VB6 import tools would have done wonders for them.
Their biggest mistakes were focusing on enterprise life cycle tools, selling the developer tools unit, creating an half hearted port of Delphi to GNU/Linux based on WINE, letting all the key developers leave the company.
All these together created the image that most of us should leave Delphi and C++ Builder while it was still affordable to do so.
Projects I know I'll need to heavily modify or work on for the foreseeable future, I bring forward into Lazarus. Lazarus has quite a bit of activity in its community.
I spent time recently in the webcasts for the new version of Delphi, and from what I saw they're doing some good work. The mobile development for example is enticing.
But, and I asked during the webcasts, who's going to buy into a new project now?
For myself I have a couple of old D7 apps for clients that have been running for a decade now.
Lisp, and specifically Common Lisp although the latter isn't that old.
It first appeared in 1984 and the ANSI specification was finished in 1994, but it traces its lineage directly back to Lisp 1.5 from 1962. It can run Lisp sources decades older than it trivially.
It is a very practical, multi-paradigm language with high quality, high performance implementations on many platforms.
Its main issue is that it is not very popular, but that might also be a blessing.
Lisp. For all purposes. It conquered my brain in 1988 and ever since then it's the first thing I turn to whenever it's an option. My favorite Lisp ever was Ralph. My favorite nowadays is Common Lisp. Generally speaking, I like any Lisp better than anything else, but I prefer those that preserve the whole interactive programming-as-teaching culture in all its glory.
Python for when someone needs me to work on Django, and also for helping my younger daughter learn programming, because it's a pretty accessible place to start.
C when I need to be that close to the machine and there's some reason not to use Lisp.
Perl makes it easy to write line noise, and only possible to write legible code. That possibility also goes mostly out the window as soon as you use the real strength of the language (regex).
Regexes support whitespace and comments, and can easily be composed. But I agree that an effort needs to be made to write legible Perl code. "Perl Best Practices" is required reading for any professional Perl programmer.
Aye, you know you're starting to reach expert level once you understand the parts of that book which should be ignored.
for OP: Perl is a rich and deep language. It's as or more comptetent as exactly the same things as ruby and python (although pythons maths, and keeping management happy libraries are better, perl's async and systems wrangling )support is better. It is more permissive than you would want in some circumstances, but in my experiencing running a competent perl team with supportive management is a pleasure.
- a REPL so you can easily play around with code you have just written
- a type system that's really useful for catching bugs
- imperative programming is relatively easy
I find myself becoming more and more productive. I will have to see if writing a little server for JSON web API sitting behind nginx is feasible - currently using ruby for that.
IMO, it's more than not awful, it's great! I wish I had picked it up sooner as a mid-level language for mathematical and scientific computing (over C++). Additionally, you can connect Fortran to Python dead simple with `f2py`.
It's too bad some people don't know about it and just copy/paste blindly.
It took me about a week to find out that the author of a model i worked on didn't know about `from copy import copy`, which explains a great deal about why their ODE solver wasn't working.
IMO the ongoing trend of moving everything academic to C++ is just awful. I still don't get why everything thinks a language-to-rule-them-all is what should be used by default, especially in the age of LLVM. IMO Alan Kay and his research group has always had exactly the right ideas in this regard. I think iPython/Jupyter + Numpy + some kind of JITed Fortran 2008 environment with accelerator support would be a nearly ideal scientific computing environment. Basically a free, open source and blazingly fast (HPC ready) version of Matlab.
this is how my field is going. (biomedical/neurosci). Of course, since numpy is effectively a nice shell on top of linpack, my original assertion still holds.
MUMPS is standard in places which deal with Intersystems, via Ensemble (integration system) and their Cache database. An intriguing stack of technologies: an old and 100% backward compatible programming language, an object-oriented (non-relational) database with direct access from the high-level language (M; they do not like it when you call it MUMPS), and quite a number of very good software engineers having worked on this system for 30+ years.
First started programming in MIIS (relative to MUMPS) in late 1981. And have continued to use MUMPS/M/MSM/DSM/Cache for most of the intervening years with 4 years off for Fortran and a year or two for COBOL.
Most of the work has been with medical information systems, although the first job entailed a library information system. One of the few languages I knew of which could make a PC-AT into a multi-user machine. It also enabled a clinic to move from a PDP to a 386 and to no longer have to relegate financial batch jobs to off hours.
Oddly enough I just got a recruiter spam message for a MUMPS developer position. I had never heard of it, but I thought to myself "why would I want to develop mumps???"
MUMPS get's a bad rep, it's kind of ugly, but has some awesome ideas built into it. I'm not convinced EPIC's success is despite the fact it uses MUMPS, I think it's a contributing factor.
Perl 5, I have been using it in Financial Services for the past 12 years. It is still a workhorse when it comes to reporting. Many large banks still use it, but most don't advertise it. I used it at places like Intel back in 1999. It really is a versatile language.
I switched to Python a few years back mainly for Django, but Perl still does a number of things better (regexes, interacting with the filesystem for example).
My understanding is that django/sqlalchemy and catalyst/dbix::class are equivalent. The former being better at keeping managers happy, the latter at keeping the right kind of programmers happy ( due to the superior flexibility).
I did try Catalyst but being Perl and "more than one way to do it" caused me a lot of confusion (you could replace the template engine, the ORM and other parts to the point where I didn't know what the framework actually was).
Django was a bit more beginner friendly for someone new to a framework, and the documentation is really good. And the Django admin is one of the best ways to get something up and running quickly, there wasn't a Perl equivalent when I was trying Catalyst.
I'm in the process of "inheriting" a company whose sole product is a multi million LOC behemoth written in Delphi. The product itself is a highly customizeble/parametrizeable control software for business processes/alarm management build around a rule engine for rules drawn in a graphic editor.
I inherited a Delphi program written in-house for our accounting department. Thankfully it's only about 10,000 lines of codes, and the code is quite readable. But I still have to explain to our accountants how little I know about accounting (it has something to do with money, right?).
On the plus side, Delphi is quite easy to read. I got started with no prior knowledge in Delphi or Pascal, and I was able to roughly understand significant parts of the application within a few days.
Almost didn't read it thinking someone was going Total, LISP Weenie in there. Glad I did: it's a parody of a bunch of languages with some great laughs. Can't even pick a favorite haha. Thanks.
I will use Clipper open source alternative called Harbour.
I started using Clipper in 1986 and some of 1986 code still runs today.
Clipper was a compiler for Ashton tate dbase II language.
Harbour now allows to run old code on windows, linux, Mac, Solaris and a bunch of other less common OSes, both in text mode or using some gui lib.
It will also run on android and ios (using Qt).
Wow! I had no idea Clipper was still around. I was using it in 1993 with code blocks (essentially lambdas and first class functions, but not closures).
Holy cow. Used this for a summer job at an agricultural cooperative. Some special linker was a big help, and so were the trade journals (which I would have to track down for this to make sense).
Blast from the past.
Also, the floppies got wiped out on the way to the big demo, 'cause the backpack was up against the car speakers in the back seat on the way there). Maybe '91.
Yes it is still thriving in some countries. Every month someone asks how to run old clipper programs in some more recent os and porting (if you have source code or exes can be decompiled) can be done quite easily.
If you still have clipper code you can give Harbour a try (it is on github).
I once worked at a place that basically just used perl server side. In this decade (2010s). The codebase was just one tangled mess.
They told a story of a guy who failed the cultural interview because he told a VP "you can't write a large web app in perl", and of course they had done just that. With the reflection of hind sight I think despite the obvious empirical counter factual, he was on to something. It really was an uphill battle against the language to do things large scale.
It's not impossible, it's a cultural mismatch. Perl is obscenely permissive, which makes it a really interesting and weird language.
But when you work in a big team and make something complex, you want something that's consistent. All of that permissiveness and flexibility bites you.
Now, with good styling guides and linting, you can make it work for complex software with a big team, but that's culturally pretty anti-perl. We're trying to do that with Javascript now, which isn't as weird as perl, but has many of the same excesses that you want to reign in with a style guide.
In my company we primarily use Perl, but it's just on my team for our ETL pipeline. It works really well, especially since we modernized our older code and enforced really tight code standards. To use Perl end to end, well, there are modules for that (such as Dancer), but I can't comment on them because I've never had to use them.
I recommend Dancer, actually Dancer2 now. So easy to write web apps. Maintainable ones too! Most of the basics of app security are covered within the framework. And where there are gaps (like CSRF tokens), it's trivial to add primitives via DSL.
I tend to answer "can you...?" questions by pointing out that you can do just about anything in any Turing-complete language. The more useful questions are whether you should, and if not, why not. It sounds like an annoying hair-splitting technical distinction, but I've found it leads to more useful discussions.
I think developers have moved on to reinventing Perl in JavaScript. Ever since I saw "use strict"; in a .js file my eyes have not stopped rolling. Personally, I'd choose Perl over JavaScript, Python or Ruby any day of the week but I'd lose all my hipster cred.
Seconded. We have a Perl codebase going back about 20 years (Command-line interface to our CMDB, integration with lots of external systems like DNS, generates config for mail servers, DHCP server, routers, ...), and while there are some nasty spots, overall it's pleasant to work with.
I have written a number of Perl scripts (both CGI and batch) to make up for shortcomings in our ERP system, and to hook up our ERP system to our PDM and financial accounting systems.
Also, I have written a couple of reporting scripts to watch over our Active Directory (look for computers that do not exist any more but still have their AD accounts, stuff like that).
Oh yeah, and a couple of Nagios plugins, too.
For these tasks, there are not many languages that can match Perl in versatility and productivity. It's not the prettiest language, but it's extremely useful.
I don't know about the original poster, but Perl is great for back end development, and there are wrappers for just about every GUI toolkit if you want to go that route.
I use it for command-line utilities, such as static-site-compiler, a blog-compiler, and similar.
Beyond that I use it for microservices, implement REST-APIs, and also for powering whole sites. With the right framework/modules you can do almost anything.
For example I re-implemented the API my home lights use to communicate, allowing me to use cron to turn off lights via the perl interface.
I've used it here and there and don't think its near as bad as people say. Perl6 is a good design, but if the implementation doesn't get sped up, I don't see it taking off.
I've been falling back in love with Forth, and specifically SwiftForth the full source code to everything comes with the paid version, and you can literally change everything. So much saner and cleaner in implementation than shitstorms like Go, GCC, LLVM, and Java.
"classic" asp. Still have some crappy legacy pdf generation code no one is willing to invest the time to rewrite into here. Fortunately that's all of an update a year or so.
JS is actually 21 now. According to wiki, it was developed under codename "Mocha" and shipped with Netscape Navigator 2.0. [1] "May 23, 1995" Personally, I'm pretty sure the version of "JS" when it was first released and more modern JS share very little other than logic and symbology, I think that can be said for many programming languages.
I have a feeling that by "old" the topic creator actually meant less relevant than it once was. Both languages are still very relevant and therefore out of the running. PHP may be waning but it still powers a huge chunk of the internet, just think about all those wordpress blogs.
Visual Foxpro. The application originated in 1986 or so and the original language was dBase II, but moved to FoxBase in 1987, and FoxPro/Visual FoxPro over the next couple of decades.
I do as much in Python as I can justify, but I still have to work in VFP quite a bit. I personally have code from 1988 that's still running in this application.
Just found this comment, which mirrors my sentiment exactly. Quite a bit of my time is spent on modern infrastructure and languages. But, the rest is spent maintaining a VFP application from early 2000's
But, I'll give FoxPro one plus, it can integrate quite well with REST APIs. Hell, even modern SQL databases are fine.
apl (k4)
forth (bootloader)
snobol (spitbol)
C (small subset)
sh (Almquist-like)
sed (not GNU)
nawk (do not use added functions such as strftime)
I occasionally pull out SNOBOL4 as a less-awful awk, mostly for poking around/formatting logs and such. Not a bad language honestly. It's aged very well.
People mention it here on occasion for how it handles string processing. Experts in such things might want to dive deep in a review of it for the rest of us.
Icon was also produced by the same man, Ralph Griswold. And it has inspired a newer incarnation, Unicon. I imagine each would also be pretty good at string processing.
As a hobby this year I'm beginning to experiment with mechanical computer designs, implemented in Lego Technics (yes, really). That's going to involve looking back to Turing machines, Babbage's difference engine, the Pascaline, and various other contraptions. I guess you could consider the means of encoding instructions for such machines to be programming languages, albeit very primitive ones.
Here's a couple of machines that others have built:
Emacs lisp is just so immensely sticky... once you cross the initial "what's up with this crappy lisp?" threshold, and have a finger caught in its web, you suddenly just want to put your hands all in. And then find more hands to add to the pot.
I expect it to stay around a good, decent while :)
It's such a nice UI paradigm married to a decent lisp (any lisp is better than no lisp :)). Once you get the actual hang of it you can't ever leave it. Just like real coffee vs. instant abominations.
Any recommendations for a good starter guide? I've done some lisp here and there, a bit of Clojure, and some other FP-style things (e.g. Elixir). I'm not scared by parens :). I'm just not sure where to start with elisp and getting into a good groove with it.
Edit: also a long-term Emacs convert, just haven't written any of the elisp myself.
I myself have discovered everything I know along the way, and have read no guides, so unfortunately don't know any of them. Tho C-h t is the unavoidable initiation to emacs the editor.
Using tools lik Org mode, Rmail, Elfeed etc. gives you many opportunities to write some useful elisp, which is a pedagogical experience.
Emacs is like the mildly beautiful geeky girl which you fall in love with: whenever she spots you inclined to some new cute girl, instead of going mad with you, reveals such a wonderful piece of her interior world that you just forget the other one :)
BLISS. The system programming language for PDP and VAX computers from Digital Equipment Corporation. Think "high-level assembly language". Powerful, elegant, simple, totally unforgiving. The world's most powerful chainsaw, without a chain guard.
C++98 with a few C++11 features for work (our compiler is not really C++11 compliant at all, but it does have move semantics).
Ada for fun, though I'd say Ada 2012 is a bit like C++11 in terms of “basically a new language”. People do seem to have a perception of Ada as ‘old’, though I'm not sure why (it is, by my account, more ‘modern’ than, say, Go – actually, it's not unlike Go with a nice generics system).
I did Ada 95 back in college. Was really nice for embedded programming -- the built-in concurrency primitives are astounding, and it feels like a much safer systems programming language than C/C++
Good for you -- I am not a fan of most of the latest C++ features; it feels again like a crazy research project. Although I _am_ excited about uniform initialization (finally), despite that fact that there are slight syntax and parsing confusion issues that arise from backward compatibility (as always, in C++).
I really want to write something in 6502 assembly this year. I've read tutorials and played with it, but I've never used it to build a non-trivial program. I've also been wanting to build a NES emulator in common lisp, and this would be the perfect opportunity to pair the two projects.
Have you seen the game called Human Resource Machine?
This is not actually a joke comment -- it teaches assembly language programming. Not 6502 specifically, but the fake architecture looks a lot like 6502. You work up through a set of more and more challenging assignments until you have to write a sort. I really enjoyed it and would consider it a great introduction to basically any assembly language.
Thanks for the recommendation; I just purchased it. As another commenter said, TIS-100 is also a great game about an assembly language for a fictional computer that I'd highly recommend. I had a lot of fun playing with MIPS assembly in college, and I'd really like to do it again.
ColdFusion/CFML. All day, every day. Although a heavy dose of the newer hotness and the eventual migration of everything I work with off of it is in the works. Still enjoy working with it though. Very productive.
I still maintain a ColdFusion based site and am looking into building a new project using Mura. It's actually a fantastic CMS both from a developer and non-technical user perspective.
A lot of what's being built today as "web first languages" has existed for a long time in ColdFusion already for over 20 years.
ECMAscript style coding support that unlocked the underlying JVM in its entirety is one of those things.
It was one of the first, and only languages and platforms that was made for the web first, instead of extending non-web language to the web with a framework.
A mess can be made in any language :) Be scared to see what today's modern frameworks and their code bases might look like in 10-15 years, because some projects will have that lifespan.
The only real mess is the project's continual struggle against the language's verbosity and limitations. I try not to think too often about how much shorter some section of code would be if it were in Flask or Django.
Ruby, age 21. Web development, some text processing scripts. Design started on February 24, 1993 first release on December 21, 1995. [1]
Python, age 25, almost 26. Web development. Implementation started in December 1989. First release on February 1991. [2]
JavaScript, age 21. Web development. Designed and released in May 1995. [3]
However if Ruby and Python are clearly the same languages they were 20+ years ago plus the natural evolutions, I don't know if the JavaScript we're using today has anything more that a resemblance with what it was back in 1995. After all we say we're using bash (Bourne Again SHell, it couldn't be more explicit) and not sh, speaking of which:
Bash, age 27. Scripting. Coding started on January 10, 1988 and released on June 8, 1989 [4]
If we count the Bourne shell, that is from 1977 (age 39), coding started in 1976 [5]
Erlang, age 28. First prototypes running in 1988, work on BEAM started in 1992, in production as we know it in 1998 [6]
Actually I'll be using Elixir for backend coding. Sometimes all what an Elixir module does is calling Erlang modules so it's handy to code that directly in Erlang. The Elixir compiler handles compiling and linking Erlang well.
Considering that PHP, Java, C++, Perl are also in their 20s (and Objective-C is 30+), should we really call them old languages or old should that be reserved to something dating back to the 70s or the 60s? (C, COBOL, Fortran).
If you can remember the days when applications like Lotus 123 had menus at the bottom of the screen, and if you can imagine a macro scripting language in such an application, designed so that the menu structure directly defined the statements available in the language (e.g. file open standard-view "c:\whatever.vw"), and if you can imagine writing database manipulation routines in such a language (so that you must at all times be mindful of which view is in the foreground and what the currently selected record is, i.e. which record the user would be looking at if this task was being carried out by an actual user rather than a macro script), and if you can imagine a manufacturing company who implemented their own MRP system atop such software, then you have the beginnings of an idea of what I'll be spending 2017 maintaining, and then hopefully decommissioning.
Ruby. Not Ruby+Rails, just pure Ruby. If you take away the Rails ecosystem, Ruby starts to feel like an old (but lovely) language. Many non-Rails gems (libraries) haven't been updated for at least five years, if not ten -- so I end up rewriting a lot of stuff myself. I enjoy it, actually. Quite peaceful.
For the last 2.5 years I've been doing RPG - both the newer free form and older fixed. I can imagine I'll be doing it a lot more within the next year also. A lot of people give it hate, but it's a pretty simple language after you use it a lot.
I will certainly get more into C. Mainly because C is the biggest expansion in knowledge for someone who did 15y web dev on a high level. Secondly because I don't want at all get more in touch with hype madness of JS and the likes. If we produce code at that rate the whole system will collapse within 5 years. At that time I should be fit enough to take a C senior position.
C. Like most infrastructure software - yes, even today - the codebase I work with (Gluster) is almost all C. Personally there are about a dozen languages I'd rather use, and would use if I were starting my own project, but this is the environment in which I get paid to solve interesting problems and the fact that it's in C is just part of the package.
I'm modernizing a VB6 app and still get to read through a bunch of it to get things done. Luckily for the moment we've managed to hold off on needing to release new bug fixes/features for the VB6 code.
I have written a number of CGI scripts (in Perl, of course) at work, and my relationship with it oscillates back and forth between love and hate.
I would like to replace it very much, because I don't like Perl 5's type system very much (and something like Moose is overkill, IMHO, for a 500-line-script).
But it's just so damn useful, and most of the time I can get something to work faster than with Python or Go. So I might not love Perl, but you could say I respect it very much.
I guess Whatsapp's purpose is similar to that of telecom though, but that is my naive interpretation of what is done in whatsapp and telecom using Erlang.
Not naive at all if you didn't know Amazon, Facebook, and WhatsApp use it? I know a lot of places are starting to use Elixir which runs on the Beam VM. I still think its a safe assumption to ask (why I put a ?).
VHDL & Verilog. 29 and 30 years old respectively, and while not really programming languages (they're hardware description languages) but they're used quite a bit. Any piece of equipment with an FPGA or CPLD inside (more things than you'd expect) and for prototyping systems before going to the expense of creating custom ICs. While they're not as old as many of the other languages mentioned here they're old enough, and I haven't seen anyone else mentioning them.
Lua feels awkward to me when used as a standalone scripting language.
When embedded into a C host applications, it is really nice, though. There is also a port of Lua 5.2 to Go, which has a slighty confusing API (to me, at least), but the documentation makes up for that.
The language itself is very, very, very nice, don't get me wrong.
But the standard library is very small (deliberately), and while LuaRocks is fun, Perl, Ruby, and Python have a lot more libraries available. Plus, concurrency in Lua is ... nontrivial I loved concurrentlua, an attempt to implement Erlang-style message passing in Lua, with coroutines instead of processes. But it was kind of a pain to get it to work, and I think it was unmaintained.
When using Lua as a standalone language, this situation bothers me enough to stick with Perl or Python. However, when using it as an embedded scripting language, it is not a problem at all, because you will probably supply whatever library/API you want to be scriptable yourself. At that point you only care about the language itself and the API of its runtime, which is - IMHO! - where Lua really shines.
Well, it is true that the Lua ecosystem is small, but I've been following it for years and it has been in a steady growth. Yea, it does depend on which problem you're trying to solve. I'm using it on Machine Learning now and there are many libraries available on LuaRocks for that.
What do you do with that stack? I've used all of those at work as well, but the C/Fortran part is just debugging or pulling the logic for what the system is doing.
- C! (I'm not using it at my current job but I'm just about to start a new job that's mostly C)
- Scheme! (Because I love it)
- Bash/Awk/Perl/Sed! (Because I use Arch for everything)
- Java! (Because you can't have everything in life)
I make web apps and started using Perl for cgi scripts back in `97 and still use it. Most of my app code now runs on the client side with Javascript so I don't do much with perl anymore but I still use it for most everything on the backend.
Learning to code something with new or different languages is not something I do without good cause and/or necessity. I haven't ran into that much building web apps.
Writing a brand new Mac app for myself, using Objective-C instead of Swift. So far it's a breeze. Yes I used Swift for a while, and it sure feels all academic and all, but meh, ObjC gets the job done just fine for me.
Do you have any concerns about maintainability? So far Apple has been advancing Obj-C interfaces along with Swift, but time will probably come when some new OS features will only be available through Swift.
I actually enjoy having separate files for interface and implementation. It's a pain in C++ where you have to put your implementation details (instance variables) in the header, but in ObjC, headers are pretty clean.
I've noticed that my Java-based coworkers often create well-documented interfaces with only a single implementation. They claim to do it for testability, but Mockito can deal with concrete classes as well - I suspect that they secretly enjoy looking at 10 lines of code that describe what a class does :)
I love ObjC, it's the epitome of pragmatism. Fantastic compatibility with C/C++, malleable enough for GUI glue, wonderful libraries (I love NSCalendar & friends).
My clients still accept ObjC for new projects, and they'd be crazy not to, considering how much the Swift 3 migration has cost early adopters.
Given my current pessimism about Apple technologies, I think I'll just milk my ObjC skills until everyone goes Swift-only and then look for work in a portable programming environment.
Visual Age Smalltalk and Cobol professionally. Company I work for tried 3 times to port to Java, plain JavaScript and now Angular. None can approach the sheer productivity and power of VA Smalltalk.
We still have a whole lot of FORTRAN77 around at my work that I will do some work on. Some of it is very close to FORTRAN-IV. These are Gen-IV nuclear reactor simulation codes written by Argonne National Lab and friends mostly in the 1960s-90s. They were validated against experimental facilities back then and therefore have a good pedigree. Since most of the experiments are no longer operational and not all the results and test conditions were well documented, it's a challenge to update. We've upgraded some of the memory management stuff through the years at least and there's more FORTRAN90 every day, which is a nice modern language from this perspective.
Thankfully we have written gobs of Python to do most of the data management, multiphysics coupling, multiobjective optimization, etc. so it's really not too bad.
Erlang: immutability, pattern matching, quick compile times, the best implementations of QuickCheck, flexible distributed computing with async message passing.
I use APL as the sole language for my current job. Previous job was also APL. cumulative 4 years, and I'm under 30 yrs old, which is a bit of an oddity.
APLs are really nice, though! I think they scare away newcomers since they look like brainfuck but it's incredible how you can write fairly intricate programs with one-liners. Also can be incredibly fast since array operations are straightforward to vectorize.
I just wish the K language or KDB+ was open sourced. We'd see people from just about every industry drooling over how nice it is.
Is not a Windows app, is a server microservice so I have to discard my favorite Dolphin Smalltalk for the remarkable Pharo or Squeak. Since is a business thing that will run on some linux server, I think that we'll go for Pharo. To be honest at this point Gemstone is not discarded, but geez I wish would be easier to do devops with it. A good how-to from zero to hero on a basic gemstone dev setup and minimal production setup would be so cool to have
Dolphin is a very nice Smalltalk. For business, local clients all use Windows and do not trust web apps for core applications. So Dolphin + ODBC is my latest go to for business apps.
Taking a deep look into Lazarus/FreePascal/Object Pascal this year (because I can still code Pascal & VCL code in sleep nowadays). Want to see if it's good enough to develop a simple macOS, Linux and Windows application at the same time.
I had to develop a simple GUI application for extracting a few hundred GBs of image data from a complicated folder structure created by an automated microscope. It had to run great on windows and mac os (and linux of course won't hurt, just in case, as it has some desktop use in academia).
I developed the tool in linux (xubuntu), and:
- Compiled it without change on windows (Just press that green button).
- Compiled it with one single change on Mac OS X (some cthreads library import missing).
I finished the project from design to final approved product, INCLUDING learning the language as we went, in 80 hours.
Why FreePascal over Qt for cross platform gui applications?
I had a contract doing C++/qt stuff 2015/2016. So I could conjure up my own reasons for and against. But I am curious about yours as I am largely ignorant of pascal.
I know C++/qt and I don't like the experience when compared to good old Delphi and VCL days (just my personal opinion). The workflow and behaviour in RAD (rapid application development) with VCL Delphi components was quicker and more intuitive and I had to write less code manually than with QT. Call me crazy but I had the feeling QT is much more verbose and unnecessary complicated compared to Delphi VCL programming. I just want to figure out how good Lazarus/FreePascal is nowadays for some pet project.
You might like to look at Lazarus, the gui builder that comes with FreePascal. Everything is done in Pascal - no XML etc. It is good-looking and my own experiments with it shows that it is very productive.
Mostly, I'll be writing a lot of fairly old fashioned C++ (my current project is yet to use a single smart pointer or lambda, lots of templates though) for high performance numerical work.
Also, I guess writing code in Python 2 is considered outdated nowadays, so that too. Plus the usual shell scripting (bash on Linux and simple batch files on Windows).
I do hope to avoid writing any new Fortran this year, so there's that. Some of the less performance critical code will instead involve Julia, and I've been experimenting with D and Rust for fun. Not sure which category Java and C# fit in, but in all probability I'll also use those at some point.
And finally, LaTeX. Very old and, unfortunately, indispensable.
Depends on your definition of "old" -- I'm using Bash, PHP, HTML, and JavaScript at work, which are all over 21 years old, but they don't really feel that old (even PHP feels new and shiny thanks to the lovely Symfony framework).
Progress Openedge.
I have never seen anyone on HN mentions it. The codebase is from the 90'.
before that, I have worked with a codebase from the 80s, 10 years older than me.
How do you find it? I had a colleague who had worked earlier in a company where they used it, IIRC as the language/4GL for work on MFG/PRO (a popular ERP package then). Think I remember him saying it was good (just Progress, it was called then).
OpenVMS BASIC and Progress OpenEdge. Really looking forward to the day I need to find a new job, and discovering how widely sought after cough my skillset is...
Also, there is Lazarus which seems to be the FreePascal-alternative to Delphi. I took a look at it when inheriting a Delphi application at work, but it crashed on me a lot. Still, it's there.
You didn't really define "old" so I guess responses are going to be varied. Here is mine:
- Python (mentioning since it is over 20/25 years old, though used a lot currently by many, of course).
- C (evergreen, for some uses, IMO)
- sh / bash, with sed/awk and friends (the common Unix command-line power tools (filters and others))
(Talking about both of the two points above mainly on Unix / Linux, though both are quite useful on Windows too - sh / bash and friends via cygwin, UWin, Ch and similar tools, and now / after some time with the Windows Subsystem For Linux.)
- D (if it can be called an old one)
- Probably Pascal (via FreePascal), for small tools, for fun and personal dev use (e.g. utilities), on the side, to start with, maybe see if I can make something bigger and generally useful later (I have a somewhat long prior background in it - and in C). The compile times are fast, like D and Go, and executables are small, which are two of the reasons. Haven't checked runtime performance of it much yet, but likely will not be shabby, to say the least. And last but not least (reason), because it is like C with some niceties added, which makes the code more human-readable and maintable (though I have no trouble understanding well-written C, my own or others'.) Also, modern Pascals like Delphi's Object Pascal and Free Pascal are a far cry (much better) than the academic Pascal versions that were taught in universities years ago.
Edited to add (after seeing others mention it):
- SQL (had forgotten it because it is a bread-and-butter thing used in most of my projects, irrespective of other language used)
We still have one web-app written in perl, it's based on the mojolicious web framework to keep it somewhat maintainable, the app used to be heavily tied to mod_perl1 which has thankfully been 'modernised' to not use mod_perl1 or 2 and instead run with mojo+nginx. I expect this to continue being in service and maintained for another 1-2 years before being replaced by a python rewrite.
I had not even thought of that. But yeah, if SQL counts, I'll probably be writing a couple of hundred lines of SQL in the coming year.
It can be surprisingly fun to see if I can get something done in "pure" SQL without any procedural code.
I feel a little sorry for the poor soul who may one day inherit that code, but on the other hand, at least I write comments to explain why I do things in a certain way, which is more than my predecessor did.
- sh/awk/sed (I don't really think of these as separate languages): mainly for scripting things that aren't worth firing up python for or that are easier to script this way
- javascript: for web front ends
- html/css: ditto
- possibly c: for particular things where I need more speed/control over memory than python can provide
Java and C#, with a bit of (MS)SQL and ASP.NET and a smattering of VBA and ASP at work. None are what I would consider "old".
For fun, though, there's QB64's implementation of QuickBasic. I also have my old 8088 up and running again, and GW-Basic and ASM there. I started with GW-Basic when I was about 4 years old on that old 8088. Two 5.25" drives, no HD, 640k RAM and a "Turbo" button. What's not to like?
Co-worker introduced me to Lazarus / FreePascal a few weeks ago, and I decided to dust off my old pascal book from jr. high school and see what I can remember.
If I can find a use for it, I'd like to dust off and freshen up my Fortran77 memory. I know there have been updates, but Fortran77 has a little special place in my memory since that was the first language I got paid to know.
Then there's COBOL. No idea why, but I want to revisit it and see if it is as bad as I remember.
I have no complaints with these languages. I have only seen them used to program PLCs to control machines and processes, and the simplicity of the languages keeps programs simple and straightforward too.
What features are missing that you think belong in process control?
The languages aren't so bad, but the ecosystem is rough. On the PLC vendor side, implementations vary widely and they're all proprietary, so for a given controller... what they give you is all you get. On the programmer side, skills vary widely and ladder logic is the common denominator, so a lot more is written in ladder logic than is appropriate. For instance... Complex sequential logic (like a machine with many adjustable operations, all controlled by an HMI) is difficult to convey clearly in a ladder logic program. It can be done... but all I have ever encountered is lots and lots of spaghetti logic.
I wish I could use sequential function charts to handle some of the complexity in the machines I work on, but the PLC models we use don't even support them. Argh.
A business basic language called Providex (or PxPlus depending on the version).
There are several hundred thousand lines of the language in the main application where I work.
While there are definitely some major issues and pain points with it, it's actually suprisingly powerful and the language itself is still being developed.
We've got a lot of things you wouldn't think would be in a BASIC, like classes and object-oriented programming, a "UI" library that targets the web without any (tm) changes (in practice it misses that mark, but it's still extremely useful), support for the big 3 platforms, and more.
I don't deal too much with it though as most of my job is connecting new web stacks up with the pxplus backends.
Visual FoxPro (VFP). Runs a number of legacy systems. But, still works quite well given a pretty flexible data access layer and access to any number of APIs over HTTP. Strong baked-in SQL support.
FORTRAN77 allows use of a code base that has the bugs beaten out of it years ago. Aerodynamics doesn't change. Also older Engineers can still comfortably write new routines.
C++ allows use of Qt4 and all that it offers. Graphics, networking, SQL, etc.
Intel Linux compiler makes it simple to mix and match. Also to pass complex data structures back and forth.
At one point we had the same programs compiled to run on SGI IRIX, Linux and Windows. #ifdef made it easy.
Yeah me too. I can't wait to rewrite our code base in Java (not even being sarcastic), but at least we will be able to make our own objects and have recursion! Yay!
Our COBOL comes from a software vendor, so rewriting it means waiting for them to decide that the cost of redeveloping decades of complex business logic in a new language/toolset outweighs the cost of supporting and enhancing these COBOL programs.
Fortunately it's a mostly read-only codebase. The number of times we've changed the COBOL code ourselves can probably be counted on one hand.
Depends on what you mean by "using". Writing it, probably not so much. But a lot of the numerical things I use are written in Fortran (e.g. BLAS, Atlas). A lot of games I play probably have some hand optimized Assembly. And pretty much everything I touch is in some way backed by C. For natural language processing I've recently (re)discovered how useful PROLOG can be in some cases, and I may touch on that this year.
bash (27 years) - I tend to write for bash 3 and up, totally happy for my scripts to not work on Bourne shell
powershell (11 years) - basically just a better version of bash with 'select' and 'where' replacing scraping for text with grep/sed/awk
javascript (21 years) - finally ES5 and 6 have added some stupidly obvious things like multiline strings, array.includes(), destructuring, etc - it's actually a pretty good language now.
I'll be using QBasic to teach my kids programming. They both got Raspberry Pis for Christmas, which I preloaded with DosBox. This was always Plan A, but this article made me stop looking for a Plan B:
Emacs Lisp. In the past year, I finally switched from vim + a boatload of custom .vimrc stuff using tmux for running random repls to Spacemacs. For both contributing to Spacemacs as well as the few customizations I want, emacs lisp is a welcome departure from my usual vimL. At this point, I can't imagine not talking to my editing environment as part of my daily workflow.
I just started going down this road, too, and it's blowing my mind how nice it is to basically stay in Emacs all day. I took a little bit of scheme once upon a time, so lisp isn't completely new to me, but there's so much I don't know and so much more I could be doing. I didn't go Spacemacs in favor of my own config driven largely by org-mode, but I find myself wanting to go out and actively learn lisp to make it even more my own.
SquiLu (a fork from Squirrel) it has a good C/C++ extension API (inherited from Lua), it can accept a big chunk of javascript as is and it can also accept a limited chunk of C/C++, it's fast enough and already has a good set of extensions.
I use the Harbour Language which is for me a 'Super C'. Massive flexibility and power. Right now, i'm using Harbour as a server lamguage to service my three web sites. Harbour has complete and built-in database power ( SQL, non-SQL, Comix, etc, etc). Take a peek at, a complete repository available gratis for world-wide programmers.
c++ 03. (This works well for me and never felt a need to switch to newer versions beyond using a few things here and there like auto, with new meaning. I have been using latest Visual Studio Express versions since 2010 so this 'mix' has no problem. I don't write code to be backward compatible compiler wise so on that count also its not a problem.)
For my day job, Python (it's 25, that's old) mostly. Primarily as the machine learning platform (all of it, from models to infrastructure) for the products my team develops for the company.
For my spare time work mostly Fortran, C and C++ qualify as old languages I'll be using. These I use to dabble in research (physics) more for fun than anything else.
I'm working for a perl-based UK startup. It's the second perl startup I've worked at. Both have been very successful. The current one is about ten years old, and just starting to explore other languages now. Currently the whole infrastructure is perl-based, including public services, data-processing and inhouse tooling.
C/C++ for the usual embedded and backend stuff. And a tiny bit of legit COBOL, because our orginization is married or perhaps chained to it. The COBOL code is mostly for UI work, sort of a VisualCOBOL, as well as legacy reports.
And of course the usual Linux scripters: bash, awk, sed, etc.
I spent Xmas break learning exactly how much I could do with Bash! There's no escaping an OS-solution to OS-problem when app-in-language-of-choice doesn't have a standard library call for an OS-need. I may be learning AWK or C in the near future.
Scheme. When I write code in my free time it's always Scheme. I use it for web programming, game programming, systems programming, command line scripts, my package manager is written in it, my init system is written in it, etc. etc. etc.
Everyone complains about Asp Classic but as long as I am working on my own code it all works great. I write everything in asp classic about to re-launch a modernized version of my groupware system with a re-design of the display but all of the page logic is all the same.
1) Lisp. Racket is the new old thing. But Clojure too. Lisp is the language I choose if I don't know what the problem is beforehand.
2) Python. Numpy is unsurpassed in the data science world.
3) Shell programming
C++ - I've started at a new company whose main product consists of 2 million lines of C++/MFC code. It's a pain in the ass and I'm hating my life now, but it pays the bills...
Pascal and SQL on the desktop, C for embedded. I can read most other languages but as long as the Pascal compilers are being updated and actively supported I dont see any reason to move on
I have a bunch of Prolog books and I definitely love it. One of my new year's resolutions is to use Prolog for anything I can get away with at least through January.
Usually I get about 20% in and then give up on it. I'm going to really force myself to get through the other 80% this year.
Common Lisp and Haskell. I've been using Haskell since near the start, and Common Lisp since then as well. However, recently I've been trying out Clojure for some things.
C for text processing, shell scripts for web scraping (wget, lynx, sed, ...). The elegant design of Unix tools still amaze me. I may do a little Classic ASP too.
For some reason, VB is one of the few languages my brain refuses to learn. I can read it when it's not too badly written, but I am glad I don't need to write it.
DCL[1]: scripting builds on a long obsolete version of OpenVMS which doesn't even support command line piping, on half-baked Alpha servers loaded via 130mm magneto-optical drives over SCSI for hardware test programs written in...
ATLAS[2]: an utterly repulsive, "self-documenting" language designed specifically for test applications, which has somehow managed to outlive the demise of its guiding IEEE standards committee to the dismay of many a aspiring young engineer. Paradigms include 20+ token statements as a sensible method to toggle a switch best described as abusive by certain alumni of aforementioned committee; proliferation of subsets which aren't even notionally interoperable because it makes people feel special; and nerfing canonical features related to trivial GPIO control only to adopt a proprietary language such as...
L200[3]: because languages are always fun when comma delimiters are strictly optional most of the time, and it's easier to metaprogram an application than to actually write it. Build/runtime/debug environment is also fun when it's technically an obsolete filesystem emulator executed by an obsolete OS running on an obsolete hardware architecture whose performance[4] pales in comparison to a 1st generation RPi.
I don't think either Go or Rust qualify as "buggy" or "failing." They aren't "old" in my view. And I find Rust more interesting than C or C++ these days. Although C++17 looks nice.
Can't seem to ever lose it. Financial Institutions -- think Hedge Funds, Banks, Brokerages) -- are still drowning in bloated complex Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with 1000s of lines of hard-to-maintain-and-source-control VBA code.
I have been using it professionally for 5+ years as a full-time employee at various companies. Some big-name ones, some smaller start-up ones. The mean Lisp team size has been around 4, but I did work on a project of 15 Lisp programmers. None of these projects were legacy code. Some were in places you wouldn't expect (embedded, multi-processor systems on custom-designed boards, for example). In every single case, we had no additional trouble hiring a Lisp or Lisp-capable programmer as compared to hiring for any other language, including Python. (In fact, Python was more difficult to hire for because the market is saturated with beginners who claim expertise.)
Lisp is one of those languages where the ratio of long-term benefits and productivity vs. good initial impressions is at a record high. It doesn't look like C or Python or JS, with all the parentheses, so people brush it off.
Lisp isn't the pinnacle of every great idea to come about in computer science and software engineering, but it is one of the most robust, macroscopically well designed, and most productive languages for translating arbitrary abstract ideas into maintainable, production code. Even if it doesn't look initially very pretty in the eyes of a career Python programmer.