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NEXEDI | Lille/Munich/Paris | ONSITE | 6/12 months INTERNS and FULLTIME

We are looking for new colleagues to help on our free open-source software solutions and contribute to research and industrial projects. If you are passionate about FOSS and like one of our topics on http://www.nexedi.com/jobs get in touch! All candidates will do a programming test followed by an interview. We're looking for:

    - Nexedi | Out-of-Space Python Engineer | Lille | INTERN, FULLTIME  

    - Nexedi | Big Data/Machine Learning Developer | Lille, Munich | INTERN, FULLTIME   

    - Nexedi | Out-of-Core PyData Engineer | Lille | INTERN, FULLTIME

    - Nexedi | Site Reliability Engineer | Paris | INTERN, FULLTIME    

    - Nexedi | Port the Linux Kernel to Javascript | Lille, Paris | INTERN, FULLTIME
About Nexedi: We are a small international team (headquarters in Lille, France) creating free software since 2001. We run our own stack including solutions like SlapOS (Cloud Deployment), ERP5 (Business), Wendelin (Big Data/Machine Learning) for which we provide customization services as well as other software products which we develop and use internally (NEO - distributed database, jIO - cross storage JavaScript connector with offline/sync capabilities). We all work with Chromebooks, our offices are paperless and we have no meetings. We mostly hack in Python and (vanilla) JavaScript.

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