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One more time: The claim is that minds are not just physics. Claiming that we could use unusual physics doesn't address the issue.

The idea that the physical universe is all that exists is so deeply ingrained that it's really hard to get people to even see that they're thinking inside a box...

"Physics" is our word for "The rules that the universe follows".

So what are you proposing, exactly? That it doesn't follow rules?

That there is more that exists than the physical universe.

In short, God. If God exists, if God is someone rather than something (a "he" rather than an "it"), and if God made humans in his image, then human personality can be real. It can be more than just a property of the atoms that make us up.

This may sound like a bunch of mystic woo. But I argue that it is the only thing that explains our observations of ourselves. No matter how much our theories say that we are just matter, that our personality is just the impersonal plus complexity, we still live - cannot avoid living - as if we were persons, not just machines. Why is that? I assert that our experience of personality is evidence that materialistic theories are inadequate.

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