Stanford is an interesting place. On one hand, it is the birthplace of the Silicon Valley school, a movement that believes the best way to measure the value of a person is by what they can do for others. Contrasted with meritocracy, what others say you can do as opposed to what you can actually do, this seems to be a more empowering and productive economic and political philosophy than anything in the history of humanity.
On the other hand, it's also the birthplace of intelligence testing and the American eugenics movement, and played a major role in creating the ideological foundations of the holocaust.
Both traditions are very much alive and kicking around there today, and what the people you talk to believe depends very much on which side of campus you're on.
It seems to be working out for the students though.
So you're claiming that the ideological foundation of the holocaust was not the Buck v. Bell case and the American eugenics movement? If so, please share what you know that mainstream historians don't.
Well look at the members of the Hoover Institute: Donald Rumsfield, Condi Rice, Shelby Steele, etc.
In the same way IQ tests were used to support white chauvinism by creating an Us vs Them dynamic back then, the Soviet Union was used to create the Us vs Them dynamic during the cold war and Al Qaeda is used to create it today. It's a cheap way of drumming up nationalistic support by creating a common enemy. Whether the common enemy is black people, Jewish people, the Russians, Al Qaeda, Iran, etc., it doesn't matter, they're all used to advance the same governmental policies. The Hoover Institute is today the center of this neocon philosophy.
C.f. The Power of Nightmares:
Also, they receive a large amount of funding from the Bradley Institute, the same group that funds Charles Murray (author of The Bell Curve) and others who write about using IQ as part of public policy.