Yep, read it and its flaw is the assumption of "correct" code transfer from another application to the error region, resulting in "correct" code. In other words, it ignores the context.
And such self healing systems have been around.
I worked with "syntax-healing" compilers and code that linear interpolates upon error to a approximate solution of nearby earlier results. So dividing by zero is basically- nearby is 1 - the identity operator, with a minus in front if you divide a neg number.
And that is just a solution for flawed code that returns numerical results.
You can not switch context that easily, without erecting a whole system of Meta-Information for every function. So instead of debugging, we start to fill out forms again, hoping- not knowing for certain that the result will be self repairing. And then the idea dies, to be reborn again, one generation into the future.
Because self-repair system even in nature are often flawed and kill the repaired organisms.
If time and resources wouldn't matter- you would stand a better chance of solving this, by having a result fitness function (aka unit test) and a genetic algorithm, modifying the code.