> You cannot get married until the age of adulthood. I suspect states would compromise on this one and allow permissible parental consent as young people will still continue to have children.
Course you can. The US doesn't have a monopoly on marriage.
Scotland has historically had more lax requirements for marriage than England (and still to this day the age of unconditional age of marriage is 16 in Scotland but 18 in England). So English couples who couldn't get their parents' permission just went to Gretna Green past the Scottish border to get married.
Course you can. The US doesn't have a monopoly on marriage.
Scotland has historically had more lax requirements for marriage than England (and still to this day the age of unconditional age of marriage is 16 in Scotland but 18 in England). So English couples who couldn't get their parents' permission just went to Gretna Green past the Scottish border to get married.