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I use mass transit almost every time I go to SF (because driving on 101/280 on workday around SF is insane). It's reasonably working, but yes, there are smells sometimes (especially at underground stations), and there are many people, including some looking (and smelling), let's say, not in a way most are accustomed to. Not a big issue for me, but I guess might be for some.

My bigger problem with SF is that timing is kind of unpredictable (trains go on time mostly, but everything else is kind of hit or miss). Usually it's not a problem but once I missed a train because trams had a sort of traffic jam. I didn't know that can happen, but apparently it can. Another time it happened again, I was smarter and just got out and run for like 3 blocks and got on the train on time. But I still use SF mass transit, even though there's some room for improvement, and think it is very valuable.

I really get sick of how cavalier people like you are in these threads when talking about homeless/crazy/violent people on SF mass transportation. These people are sketchy as fuck and legitimate criminals in many cases and you're acting like they're just a mild inconvenience. They will yell at you, threaten you, and yes outright attack you. I'm glad that doesn't bother you but it's not unreasonable that it bothers most other people.

> These people are sketchy as fuck and legitimate criminals in many cases and you're acting like they're just a mild inconvenience.

For me, they are. You are free to express your opinion, I am just expressing mine :) I never claimed my experience is universal, it's just what I see. Parent poster solicited opinions about mass transit in SF, so I shared mine, without pretending it is some global truth applicable to everybody.

> I'm glad that doesn't bother you but it's not unreasonable that it bothers most other people.

Fine, I'm not sure why you have to express this simple thought - which I certainly agree with, and never claimed otherwise - in a form of an attack. It's like existence of people that have different problems that you somehow offends you.

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