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NYC does this as well: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_express_bus_routes_i...

An express bus has far fewer stops and may use an expressway for part of its route. One ride costs about 2.5x the usual bus fare.

Singapore has similar buses but they are not run by the same operators as the local ones.

London has express trains. In particular the airport ones are more expensive than standard trains. 20-30 GBP in some cases!

Chicago has a recent Jump bus programme which has long jumps between certain areas. But there is no extra charge for this, because it is designed to serve poor people living far from downtown.

I hadn't actually connected the socioeconomic dots of routes such as the Jeffrey Jump, but I'm glad you did: I'd say such convenient routes are mandatory for any city that has priced its service workers out of living near their jobs. For all its failings of its residents on the south and west sides, I'm glad Chicago has at least done this.

> Singapore has similar buses but they are not run by the same operators as the local ones.

They are operated by the same operators [1], unless you were referring to some other bus services? They're about 1.5x more expensive than a normal bus/metro journey though.

[1] https://sgwiki.com/wiki/History_of_Express_Services

You're right, some of them are operated by the usual local bus operators. But some in that list are not. And some not in that list include weird ones like all the condo shuttles, the airport-CBD buses, and of course we can't ignore the one from Lau Pa Sat to the zoo or whatever it is!

In truth I forgot completely about the 188 service because it goes to a casino. I now remember cursing how often it came to my old stop on those few occasions when I was hoping to catch a bus to somewhere other than a casino.

I have visited a few countries and the airport trains have always been complete rip offs. Nagoya in Japan is an exception - the airport express costs a whole ¥360 ($3) more than taking a local train.

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