I disagree. Microsoft is a company that is about saying yes, to everyone. Apple is one of the few companies which says no on various subjects to reduce the problem space. Eg apple strategically obsoletes stuff like Carbon. I think this has a dramatic effect on the companies involved. Microsofts feature + backward compatibility matrix is so huge (theyre supporting applications that were written for Windows 3.1) that theyre stuck solving an unsolvable problem. Actually interesting anecdote - Simcity depended on a bug in windows 3.x for correct operation, the bug in question was fixed in windows 95. However in testing Microsoft found that simcity breaks and added code as a special case to emulate the bug if simcity is run. (http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000054.html).I am not favoring either approach, just saying that there is a big difference. Those that favor backwards compatibility have their adherents (big businesses etc) and those that stay nimble because of periodically cutting dead wood have their own followers (early adopters, technophiles).
And newer APIs (and even obj-c language features) are only available to 64-bit processes, so sticking with 32-bit so you can use Carbon will be less of an option over time.
From what I've heard, iTunes is super crufty and has it's own dedicated team, separate from the apps team. There's a lot of baggage to carry with iTunes, especially with legacy support. (I can stil sync my 1st generation 5GB iPod over Firewire.)
When your OS is installed on a billion or so computers worldwide backwards-compatability is pretty important. Vista broke backwards compatability for the driver model (for excellent reasons BTW) and MS got reamed for it. It's easy to be laisse faire about backwards compatability until it is your app or your machine that is being broken.
There is some truth to that, but there are options besides maintaining backwards compatibility to a huge extent in your products. As long as you boldly and loudly proclaim how it is being broken, there is nothing wrong with saying if you can't accept that don't upgrade. Or more recently, telling people to run that particular program in a virtual environment.
I primarily use windows, but I have a virtual machine with Linux specifically to run Sage. I know its not the same, but it is a very similar concept.
The thing is… if there are thousands of Flash apps on users' iPads, and an OS update breaks Flash, how long will it take Adobe to fix it? Or is Apple supposed to either hold up the OS or code around bugs in Flash (or other layer)?
If Apple breaks Flash because they changed their APIs in an incompatible way they would also have broken apps that used the same APIs directly. How about if Apple just stays away from breaking changes as much as possible and, if they are occasioanlly needed, communicates them well in advance so that no one gets broken?
Apple's agility is owed to its smaller installed base and more technical end-users. It is notoriously difficult to obsolete something upon which many users are dependent. A large part of Windows sales comes from the ability to run old, often proprietary or unmaintained, software. People would be mad if things stopped working and they'd investigate other techniques -- as Windows's featureset is much smaller than its competitors', drawing attention to alternatives like OS X or Ubuntu is the last thing Microsoft wants to do.
tl;dr backward compatibility keeps customers, no backward compatibility makes them flee, for Windows.
What Apple products are we talking about here? Are you implying that people who own mass market consumer electronic devices like iPod and iPhone are more technically inclined? I think that is an inaccurate statement: it is nearly impossible to hold the kind of market share in that space and somehow do it with only (or even mostly) "technical" users... there just aren't enough of them. Not to mention that it flies in the face of Apple's "it just works" marketing mantra.
In the world of PCs, you might have an argument. But I would say, once again, that your assumption goes against everything Apple marketing has been saying for 10 years. If the marketing has been working, then they've been attracting non-technical users into their user-base for years.
"[...] as Windows's featureset is much smaller than its competitors' [...]"
> I disagree. Microsoft is a company that is about saying yes, to everyone. Apple is one of the few companies which says no on various subjects to reduce the problem space.
The problem is that Microsoft used to say no as well. The larger the (software) company is the less humble and wise it becomes as its realizations are stretched across multiple divisions.
Don't fool yourself. Both companies are there to do nothing else but make a profit (not saying that in itself is a bad thing) but do it in a different way.
The only way to be free of artificial restrictions is to use OSS.
Don't fool yourself. All three, Microsoft, Apple, OSS, are there to do nothing else but survive in a Darwinian sense.
The only way to be free of artificial restrictions is to be technology agnostic, to not subscribe to any one camp for religious reasons, and to simply use the right tool for the job.
I have to think that, for the last 10 years, they have been open and closed in just the right places.
If you look at it objectively, Apple use far more open standards than Microsoft, and rarely resort to inventing standards to implement the closed systems that they want to.
That's because Microsoft has the resources (both the money and the talent) to reinvent everything ... how many other companies can claim to have developed an OS (mostly) from scratch, or a VM + a language + an IDE + an ecosystem (mostly) from scratch, or a Flash-competitor or something like Bing, again, mostly from scratch.
Yeah, they clone or buy ideas and are known to beat their competition through illegal practices ... but no other company I know can be so infected with the NIH syndrome and get away with it.
"far more open standards" is really subjective. Microsoft invented Ajax. And before IE 6, when they've stopped caring, IExplorer kicked Netscape's ass.
And to me, standards are also relevant for hardware ... Microsoft is know to favor standards and openness in hardware. That's how they've beat both IBM and Apple.
So in the grander scheme of things, we don't know which company served a greater good. From my perspective computing wouldn't be as ubiquitous as it is today without someone like Microsoft.
Microsoft have money, they had talent but they no longer have vision nor talent.They can keep reinventing whatever they want, but gone are the days when they can use their OS monopoly to take over other markets(word processor, browser,...), because two future platforms of computing: mobile computing and web, they don't control.Between Google and Apple, Microsoft is getting beat on both vision and talent side.
Your description of Microsoft might be true for recent years but their dominance in the Market was through business practices not through superior technology. I think back to DOS and windows3.1 and the PC software was terrible. I'm not just thinking about apple here, there were a number of good microcomputer operating systems in the late 1980s.
Getting the best software developed on your platform is half the battle and history of Microsoft is to develop to market trends not to enter the market first.
Computing would not have been so ubiquitous without IBM, credit where credit's due.
Apple supports standards in hardware (USB, PCI, SDRAM, Ethernet, Firewire [debatable], DVI, DisplayPort, 802.11, EFI, CD/DVD-R). Most of their systems are made up of standards-based pieces... it's just the glue that holds them together that's proprietary.
That's why I'm confused - I agree with you, Apple is way out of line on this. So why are they doing this, when they're not a monopoly? Do they think that having a walled garden of approved apps and the best UI will work forever?
It didn't work for their desktop business 20 years ago, why should it work now?
The thing is that at least temporarily and at least in certain niche markets they come close to being a monopoly. There is no credible competitor to the Ipad in the tablet market. In the smartphone arena, the Iphone is a run away success with more marketshare than any other by far.
Also, remember there are a lot of people that want a walled garden. It makes them feel safe and shields them from needing to really understand any of the details. I am certainly not one of those people, but that market segment will exist even as new tablets come out and the competing smartphones gain marketshare.
A monopoly exists when a customer has no alternative then to do business with the monopolizer. Microsoft was/is a monopoly because Dell, HP, etc have no recourse then to agree to MCSFT's terms or look elsewhere for their OS. And considering the general public hasn't embraced Linux, that pretty much locks those manufacturers in place.
Apple on the other hand develops its own hardware and software. I think they have every right to control their environment, even if I don't agree with it.
Developers are not locked into developing for the iPad, iPhone, etc. Don't like Apple? Develop for Android. Apple doesn't owe you a living. If you want to sell on their marketplace, you need to abide by their rules.
I don't disagree that it would nice if Apple was more open, but comparing them to MCSFT is somewhat of a red herring.
so replace MS with apple and Dell with app store developer and Linux with WebOS or Android. The exact same argument applies.
Same applies to the other Devs aren't locked in to windows, IE, etc. MS doesn't owe them a living. Develop for Linux.
Entity(MS, Apple) has vast majority of sales in the market place(os, phone applications) sets rules that favor themselves and you can either go along or die in a corner(develop for Linux, develop for WebOS.) Personally I prefer die in the corner with freedom than happy subjugation.
So you're implying that something like 80-90% of smartphones in use are iPhones? Because that's pretty much what the situation was with Windows in the 90s.
I am saying that 80-90% of apps sold market share is on iPhone. No one really cares how many devices are in the wild if people who have those handsets refuse to buy software.
Controlling what though? To what end? Microsoft wants to be everything to everyone and is willing to use force to get there. Apple doesn't care what you want. They want a product they would buy; if you buy it too -- all the better.
I would agree if Apple had an uncrippled "iPad Pro", but they don't. The future of computing is mobile, and Apple's position is that if you want that, you have to sacrifice control of your own hardware. If that becomes the norm from all hardware providers, it will be very bad for freedom and innovation.
I think this whole situation was summed up for me by a slashdot comment:
Steve Jobs: "We cannot be at the mercy of a third party deciding if and when they will make our enhancements available to our developers."
Yet, it is just fine with Steve Jobs if every iDeveloper is at the mercy of a third party deciding if and when their enhancements will be made available to their customers.
Actually, if you follow Apple terms, there it's really hard to be rejected. Yeah yeah I know, Google Voice, but it's one application over tens of thousands, and the fact that they are a major competitor didn't help. It's not even a matter of developing cutting edge, because great technologies like Siri or Remail made it to the store just fine. They have terms of services, developers should just read them and stick to them.
Yeah, my car can do 150mph but if a cop stop me cause i'm speeding over 65mph i'm not going to cry cause the USA aren't an "open" country where I can't decide how fast I can drive the hardware I own.
But then Apple changes their idea of what's acceptable and removes a gamut of applications, including your own.
To continue your analogy, it's like you were driving the speed limit, then a month later they lower the speed limit and ticket you for your driving speed last month. Unless you're Sports Illustrated.
That doesn't counter the original quote. Remail is still dependent on a third party to push updates to their clients. Now sure they aren't likely to get rejected, but they can't push an update to a client directly they must wait for apple to get around to it, and with the popularity of the app store that might be a while.
If you have to follow Apple terms then they are, by definition, deciding if you can provide certain functionality to your customers.
I'm sure Adobe could make the same argument to Apple. If you only do what's in our interests then we'll probably update our 3rd party libs within a reasonable timeframe. And don't bring up that one time we didn't bother supporting something in your API, that's just one feature out of thousands we did support.
It's just that there are no "your" customers anymore. Apple owns them all! Whether it's in your best interest? It depends on how big or small you are...
As much as I dislike its present course, Apple has always pushed the boundaries of what's possible since the day 1 (Apple I, Apple ][, Disk ][) and continued pushing, sometimes crossing that border (certain aspects of the Lisa are more advanced than OSX, for instance, but its 68K wasn't fast enough).
Microsoft started life cloning BASIC for 8-bit computers, gained relevance cloning CP/M for 16-bit computers and became mainstream cloning MacOS for 32-bit PC-compatible computers, by entering shady deals with OEMs, by misleading competitors (Lotus developed 123/G - "the future", acording to MS - for OS/2 while MS developed Excel for Windows) and by hurting genuine innovators by announcing vaporware and half-brained products (like Windows for Pen Computing and its latest descendant, Courier).
No. As much as Apple has been every bit as evil as Microsoft, the two companies share a completely different ethos.
Having different histories does not infer that they won't both end up walking the same path.
I have always liked Apple for the Woz age of hacking and the ethos that produced, but this is not the path that they appear to be walking recently.
I would love to agree with your disagreement, but I find myself agreeing more with the concerns of the article. It may be a far-fetched rant but it makes a few points that presently fall not far from the target.
You paint Microsoft as an army of cloners, yet within the same argument you provide a compelling example of Microsoft innovation: Excel was a much better product than Lotus 123/G.
As PC-DOS was better than CP/M. The point of 123/G and Excel is that Microsoft let the market go in the OS/2 direction by publicly saying Windows was a transitory, doomed environment, while they went secretly in the Windows direction knowing their move would doom OS/2, along with their competition.
There is a gray area between "clever" and "dishonest". Lotus trusted Microsoft, as did IBM. In retrospect, we know nobody should trust Microsoft.
Frankly, I am surprised that, at that time, IBM trusted Microsoft after the PC-DOS/MS-DOS PC-clone thing.
IBM doomed OS/2 with their earlier promise to MIS managers (as they were called then) that the PC-AT would be the last personal computer they'd have to buy for a long time.
Microsoft correctly hated the diversion of effort and compromises needed to get it to run on the 286 (which was truly awful when not being just a fast 8086) and didn't stop their Windows effort and at some point started up NT (well, we know the point, when DEC killed the Prism project, I just don't remember its relation to the other events).
This all came to a head when the 386 was the standard minimum CPU in a machine. OS/2 did not run competitively on it, Windows 3.0/1 could take significant advantage of it, was less complicated and imposing and I'm sure cost a lot less. And it could run multiple isolated DOS boxes.
I don't. Apple hasn't impressed with anything it's really done. People point to apple products as innovative, and remark how it's amazing they work so well. It's really not. It's much harder to develop a product that works well on things you can't control then when you can control the entire ecosystem. Windows doesn't just work on HP computers. They work within a standardized ecosystem, and place Apple doesn't play. If MS closed up and did what Apple was doing, of course it would be easier to do everything Apple did.
It's why Linux still suffers on the desktop. Linux support is incredibly wide. Gnome has to keep this into consideration, as does KDE. They don't have the easy route to development that Apple has: a closed, controlled world.
Apple gets credit for that final polish, and they do deserve it. And at the consumer end, they end up with great products. I'm not saying their approach is wrong. They live and breathe DRY. But I don't see that they are pushing boundaries. They let other people do that. And when the other people succeed or fail, Apple takes note of that, and then comes out with their own effort, usually lacking significant features.
Maybe one of those people can explain why it's harder for Apple to develop for a single ecosystem on a closed platform then it is for someone like Canonical to develop on multiple ecosystems on an open platform?
Or maybe someone can explain how they are impressed that Apple is able to offer the performance they do in their limited environment when they control every aspect of that environment?
Or maybe they can explain why Apple shouldn't get credit for a final, polished experience? Maybe someone who disagrees can explain why they shouldn't live on DRY.
And finally, maybe someone can explain what boundaries Apple pushed when they came out with an MP3 player, a mobile phone, or a touch pad computer?
As for your first two questions, it has nothing to do with "this is hard." People don't care about perceived difficulty, they care about results. Apple creates tools that are reliable, easy to use, and work well.
> why Apple shouldn't get credit for a final, polished experience?
I think you were downvoted for the rest of your comment. I agree with you here.
> what boundaries Apple pushed when they came out with an MP3 player, a mobile phone, or a touch pad computer?
The iPod was revolutionary in that it was the easiest to use MP3 player. The iPhone was revolutionary because it was one of the first phones that didn't suck. The iPad is revolutionary because many other people have made touch screen computers, but the iPad is one of the first that was designed for touch in the beginning, not just 'you touch the screen instead of the mouse.'
I expect you also might be getting downvoted because this is 'Apple business analysis 101.' These topics were discussed endlessly ever since the release of the iMac. People are probably sick of hearing, "It's just a phone, wtf?"
With that said, I didn't downvote you, so I can't speak for those that did.
"As for your first two questions, it has nothing to do with "this is hard." People don't care about perceived difficulty, they care about results. ."
Which is no surprise, considering they control everything. And, considering they control everything, I'm surprised it takes them so long to actually get features in. The point is, they aren't doing anything special. If anything, they aren't doing enough compared to what other people accomplish. The difference is that Apple does it in the only area that end users really see: The end user experience.
"The iPod was revolutionary in that it was the easiest to use MP3 player."
That's debatable. The iPod was, and still is, incredibly backwards in how it needs to load and unload media. The iPod had a gimmick (the wheel), which they've removed in favor of the design they where originally trying to replace.
The iPhone wasn't revolutionary. It was evolutionary. There is a big difference. The iPhone was a natural progression everyone saw from the iPod. Nor were they phones prior to the iPhone that weren't good. What made the iPhone popular was it was Apple, and more importantly, it built itself into iTunes.
If anything is revolutionary, it's iTunes, and everything that's extended out of it. And even that isn't something Apple came up with. iTunes is nothing that hasn't existed in the open source world for a long time. Debians Apt repositories are the earliest I can think of (and I'm sure others can come up with older things). Heck, even Lindows did the same thing with their CNR stuff (though, I think that came out after iTunes, I'm getting my time lines mixed up).
"I expect you also might be getting downvoted because this is 'Apple business analysis 101.'" I don't imagine anything I said is new, but it doesn't mean it's not relevant, or incorrect. It really comes down to Apple doesn't impress. When you have complete control over every aspect of your product, then you should deliver. Indeed, I'd go so far to say that Apple is behind where it should be.
You can make great products, but that doesn't mean you are doing anything special.
> The point is, they aren't doing anything special.
Yes, they are. They're the only company that's realized that if you want a stable, integrated experience, you need to control the entire product, top to bottom. They're the only (major) computer company that does this, which kind of makes them special by definition, right?
> The difference is that Apple does it in the only area that end users really see: The end user experience.
But ultimately, that's the only thing that really matters. I hate to be utilitarian about it, but the value a product brings to the end user is the only thing that matters.
> The iPod was, and still is, incredibly backwards in how it needs to load and unload media.
From a technical standpoint, yes. From a user's standpoint, it's _awesome_. I just click a button, and wait a few seconds? Great.
> The iPhone was a natural progression everyone saw from the iPod. Nor were they phones prior to the iPhone that weren't good.
It's true that the details of the phone weren't important, but it doesn't mean it wasn't a truly great phone. Remember the ROKR? That's what happens when non-Apple companies design a phone. That's what pretty much any non-iPhone non-Andriod phones are like. Maybe I'm just too hard on cell phones, but until I bought my Nexus One, I still had a really old 'feature phone' because I couldn't bring myself to buy any of the shitty, shitty phones that are out there.
> iTunes is nothing that hasn't existed in the open source world for a long time.
Same thing. It's not about the tech, it's about ease of use for the end consumer.
> I don't imagine anything I said is new, but it doesn't mean it's not relevant, or incorrect.
I mean, I agree. I'm not saying you should be downvoted, I'm just trying to guess why others were. Hearing the same arguments gets really old, especially in a series of articles like these, which are basically just shouting matches of the same opinions, over and over.
> Maybe I'm just not as easily impressed?
Nope, I think that you're just impressed by things that aren't Apple's core competencies. That's okay, I don't think, for instance, Exxon-Mobil is impressive, and they're one of the few companies bigger than Apple. Different people value different things.
I used to be obsessed with technical details, until I came to the startup world, where I realized it's all about value creation, not about the tech. It's disappointing, and we programmers tend to be an exceptionally meritocratic bunch, but really, even in the tech industry, tech is kind of irrelevant.
"Yes, they are. They're the only company that's realized that if you want a stable, integrated experience, you need to control the entire product, top to bottom."
I don't think that's accurate, on multiple levels. First, they aren't the first company to realize that. However, it is easier to have a stable, integrated experience when you control the product line. Which is what I've been saying this entire time. They essentially took the easy way to quality.
Which leads to:
"But ultimately, that's the only thing that really matters. I hate to be utilitarian about it, but the value a product brings to the end user is the only thing that matters."
I agree. And I never argued that. I said that from the beginning. I apologize if I came off suggesting that they made shoddy products. That was never the point nor my intention. =)
"I mean, I agree. I'm not saying you should be downvoted, I'm just trying to guess why others were. Hearing the same arguments gets really old, especially in a series of articles like these, which are basically just shouting matches of the same opinions, over and over."
I understand, but it's still stupid to downvote something just because you've heard it before. I've heard a lot of things before. Doesn't mean I down vote. Should I down vote every comment that has repeated something I've read before? If a comment doesn't add value, fine. But if it's a comment you are tired of, just ignore it and don't upvote it! And, I'm not referring to you, rather, I'm referring to the royal "you". =)
"I used to be obsessed with technical details, until I came to the startup world, where I realized it's all about value creation, not about the tech. It's disappointing, and we programmers tend to be an exceptionally meritocratic bunch, but really, even in the tech industry, tech is kind of irrelevant."
I agree. And that's a good point. I fully realize where Apple's value lies. However, that doesn't mean I'm not an idealistic thick-headed fool that's going to speak his mind, even when it's not the most popular. Being opinionated and stubborn has worked so far. =)
Basically, I just feel like Apple gets a lot of credit for doing things it shouldn't. They do a lot of really cool things, but at the end of the day, I realize it's not really that impressive when you realize the slate they have to work with.
Good questions/challenges. Sorry if you've had this discussion before. I've never really discussed this particular angle. Most of my friends aren't geeks!
> First, they aren't the first company to realize that.
I meant within the consumer computer industry, sorry. It's not like they invented vertical integration.
> I agree. And I never argued that. I said that from the beginning.
Okay. It's just with quotes like "they took the easy way to quality," you seem to be saying that the process means more than the end result. That's what this all boils down to.
> Good questions/challenges. Sorry if you've had this discussion before. I've never really discussed this particular angle. Most of my friends aren't geeks!
No problem. The first computer I ever used was a Mac, so I've been having these discussions forever. I was totally the little fanboy in 7th grade, holding my copy of MacAddict with pictures of those amazing new Bondi Blue and white G3 towers, arguing with my friends that (to quote Hackers) "RISC will change everything."
In any case, it's always great to have real-actual, in-depth discussion. Thanks just as much to you.
"Identifying and realizing "the easy way to quality" is impressive."
Except they aren't doing that. For 3 version multitasking was bad, and they told you why multitasking wasn't needed. Now, apparently, it's good.
As for others not being able to duplicate it, that's not true. Apple isn't the only place to find easy to us. Heck, half their stuff isn't easy to use. It's just as difficult and confusing as PC stuff. It just appears easier/cleaner. They have less wires. Just one look at iTunes and syncing Audiobooks with your iPod is a perfect example of how they dropped the ball.
> Maybe one of those people can explain why it's harder for Apple to develop for a single ecosystem on a closed platform then it is for someone like Canonical to develop on multiple ecosystems on an open platform?
I don't choose which products to buy based on how hard they were to make. All I care about is how well designed they are (aesthetically and functionally). I suspect that most customers are the same way.
> Or maybe they can explain why Apple shouldn't get credit for a final, polished experience?
Apple gets "credit" by profit: customers choose to buy their products, and they do so knowing that Apple is selling them for more than the raw cost of material inputs. This is good, because to make an honest profit (wherein all parties agree to a transaction voluntarily) is what everyone should try to do.
Companies should try to make the best products they can, which means making products that present the least hassle to users. Apple does this best because they honestly care the most about the user experience. And it's not just that it's harder to interoperate and make products work well - when the standard is badly misconcieved, no amount of effort to interoperate will make your product work well. So Apple is right in thumbing its nose at things that are either obsolete (floppies, flash, etc.), or just brain-dead (X-Windows). Apple is the one computer company brave enough to think in principle about what people will want in the future.
If this were so easy, why isn't everyone else doing it?
I heartily approve and endorse your downvote of my comment. I posted a knee-jerk response and I paid the price for it (PWNed like a n00b in a first-person shooter). Nevertheless, it was satisfying to call some one a "shill", and I DO detect traces of shillery in every Apple-vs-Adobe polemic to be waged on this site in the past fortnight.
To be fair, my first computer was an Apple II and I have a large collection of Apples, from II clones to about a dozen Macs and a Newton (also a couple RS/6000, Suns, one PA-RISC, two Amigas and one 8-bit Atari). I still use my PowerPC iMac, but mostly to sync my iPod.
My wife has a Macbook. I tried to use Macs for work, but I prefer a more traditional Unix desktop, one with X and select-and-middle-click goodness.
We are a multi-platform household here ;-) I even have Windows on a VM.
The one answer I have is to rain (metaphorical) death and destruction on to Apple... I hereby declare myself, officially, anti-Apple.
Wow, great. I'm sure your bile and vitriol will create lots of value for customers. Who will want to pay for an iPad when they can get (metaphorical) death and destruction for free?
OP is hardly alone with his rage; I see lots of people storming and blustering about how Apple is the devil. But I see very few people making a serious attempt to actually deliver the goods that will make Apple irrelevant. If a mobile platform running Clojure-flavored HaskellLisp is the Silver Bullet, can you show us an example of its unique value? Or if a mobile platform running Flash is the Ultimate Object of customer desire, where can we buy it and try it?
(Personally, I'll put my energy into the standardized web. It's out there, it's ubiquitous. The servers run whatever software you like; the clients run Javascript, which has its troubles but is not the worst of all possible worlds. Steve Jobs himself endorses it and the iPhone platform has supported it nicely from day one. We've spent well over a decade building it.)
This guy must be really young because either he's delusional or we read 2 different headlines in '00.
For Apple to be like Microsoft it would have to take a standardized language (like HTML, Javascript, or Java), fork it so it is unreadable by the original, then use it's monopoly so that no one else can create a competitor.
Here is a rundown of this MS behavior:
J# vs Java
IE6 vs HTML4
MS JS vs javascript
Now when Apple forks Flash and decides that is the only Flash that will be available on iPhoneOS then they will have become Microsoft.
"fork it so it is unreadable by the original, then use it's monopoly so that no one else can create a competitor."
Although MS may fork something, it does not force you to use their proprietary language - In the examples above, you can still use the original language...the choice remains yours.
I might be biased since I've basically only developed on Windows (Visual Studio, code warrior, borland, etc.), but in the big scheme of things, MS has been more open, had more alternatives and options and better developer support than Apple...IMHO.
There are open source alternatives like Gnash but they are reverse-engineered runtimes. And like all RE'd apps they are at the mercy of Adobe. It already has problems with Flash 10. This is why Jobs argument is so valid. Anyone can write a swf file but it's restricted to running on Adobe's Flash runtime.
PDF is a special case. I still have an Acrobat 1.0 disk in storage with my Photoshop 3.1 floppies, somewhere. Adobe was giving it away at that point. They also gave licenses to PDFs. Only one company took the offer, Next. Apple bought Next and inherited that license from '93.
Apple plans and architects, sometimes acting autocratically. Microsoft grows "vegetatively", pushing a variety of technologies and letting the market choose. Honestly, I prefer technology to have a leader. Its almost poetic that the current leader is the underdog. And no, I'm not an Apple shill, I don't even own a Mac (or any other Apple device).
Could also use some simple consistency checks. A great example of this:
“If this clause had been written fifteen years ago, the languages then would have been C, Fortran, and Cobol- and how would feel about being required to program in those languages today? Well, that’s how you’re going to fell about C++ and Objective C ten or fifteen years from now.”
Er... ALL of these languages are currently in use. Cobol is finally be deprecated after decades of deployment. C and C++ are still going strong. Objective-C shows every sign of actually increasing in popularity as Clang rolls out and people realize that Objective-C++ actually does some pretty amazing things for you.
That whole paragraph is not only using bad examples, but it also is contingent on the premise that Apple has locked its user agreement in stone and will keep it that way for years. Who knows if that could be true?
It's simple mistakes like these that magnify the spelling and style errors to near intolerability, for me. I—like most readers, I think—can tolerate a lot of errors and awkward sentences if the message is spot on. That really doesn't seem to be the case here.
The author is giving Apple a lot more power than they actually have. Apple controls Apple platforms; OSX, iPhone OS, etc. That's it. That's a small fragment of the market. Yes -- including the iPhone. There are good alternatives to both. What's the problem?
I wish Apple would just change the agreement to say "if your app isn't totally polished to our legendarily exacting concepts of quality, we reserve the right not to bless it with the App Store".
It wouldn't make anyone even sort of happier, but I can't help but feel it's closer to the truth of the matter than questions of language use. I highly doubt Apple would cry if a top notch app was developed in Haskell so long as the developer knew the burden of maintaining the API divide and still delivered. It makes me feel the whole thing is a matter of lacking trust and legalese, and though language restrictions seem dumb I myself can't think of a better way to achieve the goals Apple appears to be aiming at.
Apple already rejects several applications submitted. If quality is the reason they want to avoid flash apps, let the reviewers check it for quality irrespective of how they are written.
If flash not utilizing the latest features of iPhone OS is a problem, market will kill apps which don't use them (assuming they are worth using) on its own.
People don't mention this enough, but the reason people build abstractions is to not bet the farm on a platform. Apple paints it like the platform makers are ONLY freeloaders that leverage their platform while also diluting it. While in many cases this is true, many small shops build tools to make it so that they can more cost effectively target more than one platform. Android/iPhone being a common grouping, Windows/OS X another, and in games it's XBox360/Playstation3.
And in my opinion, Apple is a monopoly or on it's way. But I almost don't care they've done so much to improve mobile quality they deserve to reap much of the benefit.
If this is true about Microsoft, then isn't Apple just Microsoft with worse PR?
Microsoft didn't disallow netscape from running on it's platform. It came out with a competitive product and leveraged (what turned out to be illegally) it's position against it's competitor.
If Apple were behaving the same way, they would allow Flash (or other programs) to be installed on the platform duke it out through business processes to allow the market determine a winner.
Unfortunately, the article doesn't do anything to back up the headline. Apple is being pretty douchey, but they actually make good products. Microsoft generally doesn't. I think Apple may eventually lose mobile to Android, but it'll take a while. I wish some one would make better products than Apple. Their products aren't perfect, but they are better than most.
The OP essay has about as much logical integrity as a damp paper towel. It's semi-transparent and will fall apart the second you poke it.
All you young people crying "monopoly!" and "anti-competitive practices!" could really use a dose of history.
Just like a blogger removing your comments is not censorship; just like Apple refusing your app is not censorship; Apple refusing to accept cross-compiled apps is not censorship, anti-competitive, or monopolistic.
Apple does not have a monopoly.
There are many, many other smart phones you can use and develop for. Apple does not control them at all, in any way, and has no agreements with their manufacturers. Apple has no exclusivity agreements with telcos, either, as to which phones the telcos will sell in addition to the iPhone.
Apple has nothing to do with twisting the arms of third-party companies who sell computers. There is no illegal monopolistic action going on, like charging OEMs for Windows licenses per computer sold - regardless of whether Windows is loaded on the device. Safari can easily be deleted and replaced with any browser you like on the Mac.
If you want to look at a company that is gunning for Microsoft-type monopoly, look at Google with their Android and their questionable licensing scheme for OEMs.
Blocking programming languages is not the same thing as blocking a competing browser.
Apple does not have a product that competes with Flash in the world. They are only disallowing it on their platform. That is their prerogative, and completely legal and ethical in every way considerable.
Furthermore, Apple and Adobe do not compete head-to-head on the products in question. Don't tell me "They would compete if you could use Flash apps on the iPhone!" because that argument holds no water at all. You'd still be using the iPhone, is the point.
If you don't like it, you are free to vote with your wallet and your code. Develop for Palm Pre. Develop for Windows Mobile. Develop for whatever the hell Blackberry runs. Develop for Android. Or how about Symbian?
Did I miss any?
This choice, by the way, is how you can tell it's not a monopoly.
Just because you WANT in, on your terms, and Apple says no, doesn't make it a monopoly. Just because it inconveniences you doesn't make it wrong. And just because it's happening to you doesn't make it important.
Where did the OP claim that Apple was a monopoly? Maybe it was this: "That is one difference between Apple and Microsoft- Microsoft was (still is) a monopoly, while Apple isn’t." No, that can't be it. Hmmm, I can't find it...
The entire argument hinged around "cutting off the air supply to Netscape," which was Microsoft's defining anti-competitive (ergo monopolistic) practice -- for people who only heard about monopolies from the major news network soundbites.
This is just ludicrous:
> Microsoft may have destroyed Netscape, and Digital Research, and dozens of other companies, with illegal abuse of their monopoly powers. But nothing they did threatened to bring the industry to a shuddering halt, ceasing all development of new and better ways of doing things. Microsoft never made Haskell illegal.
Yes, they strongarmed every OEM within an inch of their lives -- and they actually stifled competition -- meanwhile Apple just won't let you crosscompile apps for their phone.
His argument really hinges on it being rediculous for Apple to dictate what language people can program in. Comparisons to any other company are just a rhetorical device. I actually think he overstates the effects of the Windows monopoly, but even if you think he understates it that doesn't make what Apple is doing ok.
Microsoft uses power to increase their own reach. Apple uses power to increase their own vision.
No arrow keys on the first Mac KB. No Floppy in the iMac. No BluRay now.
Again, Apple is ok with using power to leave off features that they don't 'see' the point of. Microsoft is ok with using power to leave off competition.
I often hear people beating down on iTunes on Windows. Can someone explain what is wrong with it? I understand that it's not based on Cocoa, but aside from that what problems does it have?
Big, slow, bloated, heavy-handed with settings (no, I don't want Safari, or QuickTime, or for you to phone home every five minutes), leaks memory, installs wads of silent 'helper' processes, non-native UI, frequent crashes, insanely jealous of all other ways to add songs to iPods...
It's very very slow, it crashes often, the UI is weird and hard to figure out (maybe it's more intuitive for Mac users?) and it has several annoying bugs: when syncing with my iPod it often marks podcasts I've listened to, or partially listened to as unlistened; it often hangs when trying to connect to the iTunes store (this is remedied by running "ipconfig /flushdns" at the command line); if I buy something from my wishlist it only removes from the wishlist about half the time. And every time it updates itself it tries to install Safari...
It is a sub-standard app based on a cross-platform layer of software (Carbon) that has not been updated to take advantage of platform enhancements (i.e., Windows 7).
Granted, it's not third-party since Apple owns the Carbon layer and iTunes, but then again, Flash isn't third-party for Adobe's in-house developers for the very same reason. Perhaps this is what Jobs means by "painful experience".
I agree they could make the core cross-platform and build platform-specific GUIs, but, apart from making Windows appear to suck less when compared to Macs, what would they gain from it?
I don't particularly like iTunes, but it does two jobs for Apple: it syncs iPods and makes Windows look bad.
Having tried to use one for an afternoon I found it gave me hand cramp. I think my problem though is with heavy mice in general, which is why I tend to avoid wireless ones (batteries add appreciable weight).
What I don’t understand is why Apple haven’t done a standalone version of their Macbook trackpads. I’d buy one of those for sure.
Maybe from a hardware perspective, but not from a usability perspective. No right control key. No page up or page down. No home or end. No delete key. No number keypad. I was in love with the ergonomics of it...for about a day.
Home and end are function-left/function-right, Page up/down are function up/down, and what you're calling "delete" (Apple calls it forward delete) is function-delete. This is how the whole line of Apple portables are...
Not sure how those work if you're not using a Mac. Maybe you can remap the right Option to Control? Control isn't near as important for most Mac users since Macs use Command where windows uses Control.
I'm using it for both. I find it tolerable under OSX (precisely because of the Command key thing), though I don't like chording for things when there's a perfectly good one key option (like delete, home and end). And how do you Shift+Home/End for selecting? I forget, I know it's possible, but it's also a pain.
I finally just punted and bought a Logitech Wave for it. I like it much better.
Perhaps you're right. I guess it's more of a keyboard efficiency thing. I can still DO everything I can on a full keyboard, just much less efficiently.
Well, I don't think that's what a portable lightweight bluetooth keyboard is for. It's very comfortable to type on, is fairly durable, and is quite light and reasonably small. It's not meant to replace a full keyboard, just to be a decent substitute.
That said, once I did the ctrl/caps remapping I've used that keyboard extensively with emacs and only occasionally did I feel any real limitations.
Except it's what came with my full-size 27'' beast of an iMac. That sort of thing should come with a full keyboard or something that's supposed to be a substitute for it.
If I'd gotten it with a laptop purchase, then yeah, I wouldn't be complaining. It would be pretty cool for that.
It works fine with Vim, but not XCode or Visual Studio, which are my two primary uses for the iMac purchase.
My physical therapist actually made me switch to the smaller wireless keyboard, and the lingering remnants of my RSD went away. Just shortening the distance between keyboard and mouse made a huge difference.
Eh, depends on the person. I prefer smaller keyboards like the happy hacker keyboard. Apple has a bluetooth version of it which I love. I prefer keyboards that are laptop-style (shallow key depth).
Agreed. It's just silly to claim "better marketing" is what make people like Apple.
Windows is still the most widely used consumer OS in the market: That's also marketing.
OSX is great software, the iPhone is a great product, the original Macintosh changed computing forever. That, IMHO, is not "just better marketing".