When I first saw this API I thought it was a really useful and powerful tool However, as I started using it in a webapp I'm building I started thinking it would look cheap to reuse a charting API like this.
Could a professional web company that charges for access to its service use the Google chart API? Would it be seen as taking an unnecessary shortcut and a lack of technical skills in setting up a proper charting/graphing package?
Here is another positive: the graphs are fast. Really Really fast. You get the multiple-hosts pipelining trick for free. You get the fact that Google hosts these graph servers local to wherever your customer is. Google buys better network connections than you can likely afford. Also, some engineer(s) at Google's job is to make sure that the rendering itself (server-side) is wicked fast which is more than you can say about your company or graph library you are using.
Speed is valuable and looks very professional.