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Compose Electronic Music, Right in Your Browser (audiotool.com)
49 points by jgg on April 26, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

Pretty cool, but ultimately pointless for a few reasons.

No external controls, no external effects or synths (I know reason doesn't have them either, but everyone else does), no ability to sync to an external clock, etc.

While perfectly fine for putting together some beats, as anything other than a toy, it'd be hard to take it very seriously.

(PS. I wrote audio software back in the early 90's, including the first pattern based sequencer for Windows).

EDIT: I should add that I do think this is really cool and a nice app, BUT for what purpose? If musicians can't incorporate this into their workflow, then it's really just a toy from most musician/dj perspectives. And, they really haven't done anything that hasn't been done before, except for that it's targeted to the Flash runtime then where it really belongs: the desktop. I'm not certain an AIR version would even allow it integration via sync, rewire, etc.

I hope this is okay for Hacker News...I thought if nothing else, the novelty of it made it worthy of submission.

mos def

Psyched to try this on my iPad! oh wait...

Didn't you hear? Steve Jobs officially ruled Flash useless! Get with the times, cretin!

Amazing... this is like Reason/Rebirth in your browser.

As a Reason user for several years, I'm floored. Not merely that these guys have basically built an entire platform for a browser-based Reason competitor, but by the sheer, astounding quality of the implementation.

The UI feels incredibly well thought-out, the virtual hardware artwork can only be described as a labor of love, and all the little UX things in a project that take way longer to get right than they seem, from the selection of device connections to way the cables lay around devices, feel like they've been iterated within a stone's throw of perfection.

If this were available on the desktop with MIDI support, it would be the first AIR app I'd actually pay money for.

More like Quartz Composer for music.

For whatever reason, I find it more enjoyable in context: hobnox.com . Last time I looked at it, it was essentially Java applets background (sound), and Flash foreground (interface). Best use of Flash ever. Like to see it in HTML5. Cough.

I'm really curious what their business model will be. Given the modular look of the device library, my guess is that they'll start adding premium instruments and DSP devices, either as part of a subscription or as a la carte, one-time purchases.

It's too bad there's no way (that I know of, at least) for the Flash runtime to interface with MIDI drivers.

Does anyone know if there's a similar online app for editing audio directly? i.e., import a wave file, apply effects like reverse, flanging, etc.?

Take a look at Myna:


Not bad, could use a decent tracker style sequencer.

Anyone else having trouble playing anything from the timeline? I don't get any sound.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see you have to connect the outputs.

this is amazing software! Tremendous potential.

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