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[flagged] Grub Hub CEO – If you support Trump, I want your resignation (foxnews.com)
39 points by ftrflyr on Nov 10, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

I think that political purges in the workplace are a bad idea. The U.S. should have learned that lesson in the 1950s, when people lost their jobs for being communists.[0]

This kind of discrimination would be illegal in California, where "political activities or affiliations" are a protected class.[1]

However, Grubhub seems to be based in Chicago[2], and political affiliations don't seem to be protected under Illinois law.[3]

Political affiliation is also not a protected class under Federal law.[1] Perhaps it should be.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_Ten, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism

[1] http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/california-employment...

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grubhub

[3] https://www.illinois.gov/ihrc/Pages/default.aspx

> Political affiliation is also not a protected class under Federal law.[1] Perhaps it should be.

Probably, but I would guess they would have to exempt the government itself (or a massive subset) since each election has the potential to change what affiliation is going to hold the positions.

I, on the whole, don't agree with this sort of thing; sounds like the CEO is a complete asshole. I certainly wouldn't work there and will certainly not use their service just based on this alone.

Having said that, the shareholders should be able to hire/fire anyone they please. Period. If they delegate that right to a board, and then to managers, so be it. The proper response to the use of commercial power to intimidate or harass or discriminate against employees (or customers) is to respond in kind: call them out on it, don't do business with them, don't do business with other businesses that choose to closely partner with them. So long as that's done with honesty and not making shit up, then more power to you.

Wow that is so insanely extreme. At least other tech leaders have been more calm. Did he think at all about those comments? There are investors as well as Grub Hub is a public company.

This is disappointing... Isn't discrimination and firing someone for their personal beliefs against the law?

Kind of funny, too.

While Maloney seemingly calls out Trump supporters at his company on the one hand, the young CEO boasted about the company’s supportive and inclusive culture on the other, saying he “firmly believes that we must bring together different perspectives.”

As for stock price today: Px/Chg 1D (USD) 37.10/-4.08%

If I worked there I would wear a Trump hat at my desk every day just to spite him. What an enormous fucking asshole.

I can't believe I am right down the street from such an intolerant and bigoted tech company.

It would be interesting to see a brave employee reply-all along the lines of: "I voted for Trump, and if you fire me, I'll sue you."

I would have loved to see this especially with someone who don't vote. It would be funny to see the company get sued, to have to pay up, and to find out half way though the court procedures that the person didn't vote.

Fascism has come to America, and ironically, it's not Trump.

It took 30 upvotes and 12 comments for this post to finally be flagged. Oh the hypocrisy.

Why is this flagged?

No, it's more "If you act like Trump (in his more distasteful moments) at the office or with colleagues, then fuck off".

Oh come on. If you voted Trump and you got this email at work, and you had kids at home to feed, you would be scared out of your wits. This is the very definition of hostile work environment.

Also, things like this will probably make you lie in a telephonic survey, and that will skew the results of the survey ...

Reminder: if you believe this is wrong, you're not a libertarian.

I believe this is wrong. I'm just not going to ask government to fix it. I'll just never use grub-hub or eat with friends who want to use grub-hub.

Just because I am a libertarian doesn't mean I support witch hunts.

You don't support the absolute freedom of contract?

Moral obligations cannot be constituted they can only be felt as a function of interaction between others.

It is incredibly likely that GrubHub's employees knowingly, freely, and without coercion or duress, entered into contracts specifying their employment was "at-will" and that they could be dismissed at any time and for any reason.

Is it your contention that those contracts should not be enforced?

Libertarians have no qualms with peer pressure to encourage you to act a certain way. Their problem is with the state using their monopoly on violence for that purpose. Boycotting Grubhub, or offering to poach their employees with quick hiring turnaround, are both fair game.

So where were you when HN users had to reach for their fainting couches because people encouraged disassociating from/boycotting Thiel and his business ventures?

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