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Ask HN: I could use a few more Erlang/Lisp/Scala/Node.js/Haskell articles please
112 points by iamelgringo on April 23, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments
I just need a break from the daily startup froth.

I'm not asking for an Erlang Bomb of the front page, I'm just asking for more geeky articles to be posted on a more regular basis. :)

I agree I've lurked around here for a while but I remember there being a lot less hullabaloo about facebook, google, and apple when I first started browsing and a good amount more about startups, python (and other language) tricks and cool geeky things. I understand that facebook, google, and apple are interesting with how "evil" or "great" they are on a day to day basis but I prefer more geeky articles that wouldn't make it to the front page on reddit.

Though people will just say I'm remembering wrong and saying that quality has dwindled is a figment of my imagination but just look what makes it to the front page on a day to day basis.

It's definitely not your imagination. I see articles here daily that if posted a year ago would have been criticized for not being worthy of Hacker News. Fortunately the discussion here is still mostly civil and intelligent. I've been reading a few haskell papers recently that I'll submit soon, but I think papers are more suitable submissions for weekends so people have time to digest them.

I'm quite tired of the "Startup lessons from Justin Beiber"-type articles.

You could always take a look at http://lambda-the-ultimate.org. It's probably isnt exactly what you're looking for, but there are a lot of interesting articles. This is not to say I don't agree with you, but I also remember the erlang/Haskell wave six months ago. Personally, I'm always a big fan of learning new coding techniques and paradigms, like functional snippets but also cool design systems like event-based I/O. I'm sure there's more stuff out there that I don't know of yet.

The other side of it is when interesting stuff gets posted, but it only gets two votes because it gets lost in noise about whatever Apple did lately.

Lambda the Ultimate and citeseer haven't gone anywhere, though.

I stay away from most of Reddit, but the Haskell subreddit is a really good source of interesting reading: http://www.reddit.com/r/haskell/top/?t=month

Am I the only one whose first thought was 'Look, someone else is sick of all the Erlang/Lisp/Scala/Node.js/Haskell articles on HN and has posted a sarcastic request for more of them'?

My second thought, fwiw, was 'He forgot clojure.'

I think a reasonable case could be made that Clojure is a Lisp in the same sense that scheme, arc, qi, et al. are (albeit, not 'common lisp')

If you like Haskell stuff, cross-post top articles from http://haskell.reddit.com

I'd like that too, but if you're not finding them here, go to twitter. Save some searches tagged with #nodejs, #ruby, #lisp, etc and you'll find loads of links to new articles and developments related to your topic of interest.

Here's a #nodejs search for you : http://twitter.com/#search?q=%23nodejs

Personally, I feel the opposite. I wish there was a Hacker News for entrepreneurship stuff, and a separate Hacker News for coding....


all the links on the article that this link goes to are broken:( They all return 404s

I feel sad that I found this submission by doing a find for "lisp" on each Hacker News page.

Especially node.js plz.

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