>"Simplicity"?! <Cough> It took me quite a few hours to learn. :-)
For me, 7 years ago, it was literally: "Watch a 45 minute talk on it on Youtube, and I'm good to go"
The learning curve is very shallow. You can do useful stuff with minimal learning. Once you start customizing, though, it takes more effort. Even that, initially, was just reading people's posts on how they customized it and tweaking that.
Definitely not difficult to get into. Just don't do it by reading the manual. All Emacs manuals are written as references, not as manuals.
For me, 7 years ago, it was literally: "Watch a 45 minute talk on it on Youtube, and I'm good to go"
The learning curve is very shallow. You can do useful stuff with minimal learning. Once you start customizing, though, it takes more effort. Even that, initially, was just reading people's posts on how they customized it and tweaking that.
Definitely not difficult to get into. Just don't do it by reading the manual. All Emacs manuals are written as references, not as manuals.