In the past, ITA seemed to be focused on Lisp. I hadn't looked at the puzzles in a number of years, but the newer ones seem focused on Java. Anyone know if that signals a change at ITA? A move from Lisp to Java? Perhaps more customer-facing code?
In any case, their puzzles are always good for a brain workout.
ITA still uses Common Lisp. There are excellent blog entries on this matter by Dan Weinreb: <>. However, they don't require Common Lisp knowledge from new hires. The beauty of Common Lisp is that there really is very little syntax to learn. Afaik, the simply use the excellent Practical Common Lisp book by Peter Seibel as a "training manual".
The problem with Common Lisp, unfortunately, is there's no standard and cross-implementation way to create an application that makes heavy use of network I/O, multi-processing/multi-threading and the file system.
That's would not be a problem internally at ITA (where must have built a standard set of libraries), but it would be a problem for taking submissions for web applications from applicants. On the other hand, even making a complete end-to-end webapp is a part of the Java standard. I am guessing that's why the puzzles that require talking HTTP either to or from a web server require Java.
Several of their other puzzles, however, don't specify a programming language (e.g., bit vector, word rectangle) and could probably be very well suited to being done in a Lisp.
In any case, their puzzles are always good for a brain workout.