Would you say you're paying more or similar for other transit, and are there any transit providers you have an unusually good experience with?
It's one of those industries where you have to negotiate with sales people (I hate doing this) to get any pricing information, and it's extremely difficult to gauge quality. That's why I added "take with a grain of salt" to my general perception comment.
Tip for ailing IP transit companies: put your damn pricing on your web site! AWS can do it, you can too. You often offer far better BW rates than the cloud providers do, but you do a horrible job showing it.
It's one of those industries where you have to negotiate with sales people (I hate doing this) to get any pricing information, and it's extremely difficult to gauge quality. That's why I added "take with a grain of salt" to my general perception comment.
Tip for ailing IP transit companies: put your damn pricing on your web site! AWS can do it, you can too. You often offer far better BW rates than the cloud providers do, but you do a horrible job showing it.