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What is a business practice that only works in the US?

While I'm a US worker, I managed a team in Bulgaria. Initially I synchronized via email, chat with each team mate. Met once a month for architectural review over video.

Management hoisted that we had to do stand ups over video chat daily. It was done 9PM EST, and 5AM their time. The time was picked to match my managers PST schedule. There was also the weekly backlog grooming, biweekly poker plannning, etc.

Working with that team, a European Sales team and on site European vendors. The two things I've seen is our meeting culture grates on them. Secondly my American team mates, I don't want to say looked down. But consistently commented, on lack of devotion and effort of other counterparts.

Believing that only those in the U.S. know how to do anything and everyone else is substandard.

Ripping out existing support and sales structures and adding U.S.-centric ones that piss off local customers and lost them sales.

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