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Many depictions of entrepreneurship are too rosy, but this strikes me as far too negative. This was not my experience at all.

I worked very hard, but never 20 hour days. I get along great with my cofounders. My wife and I just had our first child, joining the club with my other two cofounders.

Agree that the technology is generally still the easy part though.

I mean absolutely no offence, but it looks like our businesses were rather different. My business which I left is an ecommerce platform developer and implementor - it's very fast moving, very high volume, 24/7, and clients quite literally put their entire businesses in their hands. Contracts in the multi-million range with five year terms. It looks like your outfit (I may be mistaken!) is more of a "daylight" shop, and may not have all the same stressors that that which I left had.

Makes your point no less valid, however - all businesses are different. I walked into a bear pit, thinking it was a rose garden.

Fair enough. I think too that the role of things entirely outside your control (e.g. luck) cannot be overstated.

And that is the reason I've steered clear of the ecommerce platform space. I value having a life.

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