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... why do you need locks in threads and not in asyncio ?

Because with asyncio you can run on one thread.

Before, you needed multiple threads, or else incur high I/O costs. But then you have to manage your shared state across threads, hence locks.

Their code is now probably async single threaded code, like JS, where locks are irrelevant.

But don't threads run cpu-stuff in 1 thread, by not switching? (in python) The same as async but more overhead/slower.

Only one thread runs at a time because of the GIL, but the threads can preempt each other wherever between opcodes (http://effbot.org/zone/thread-synchronization.htm#atomic-ope...)

Imagine two threads running

    a += 1
That's four opcodes. Only one operation will run at a time, but one thread might preempt the other midway through the four operations, and `a` will have been incremented by 1, not two.

In some sense, mulithreading with Python's GIL is the worst of both worlds: you can use only one CPU, but you still need to account for concurrent state mutation. (Of course, it doesn't have the function color problem of asyncio http://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2015/02/01/what-color-is-y...)

We no longer need locks in the core because there is now only 1 thread that interacts with the core. We still have other threads but all they do is schedule tasks to be run on the event loop.


There's still a possibility that a lock might be needed if you use await/yield from inside critical section (another co-routine could make changes at that point). If you don't yield then indeed locks are not needed.

Probably because you don't have to worry about context switches in the middle of operations, since they happen at 'await' or 'yield's in coroutines, rather than whenever the OS task timer interrupts

You need locks in asyncio as well.

Only if you have multiple threads/processes/coroutines sharing resources.

"Only"? You need locks in exactly the same scenarios as you do when you use multiple threads.

Good point. I should have said that asyncio allows patterns that use fewer shared resources.

Actually... I take that back. Asyncio is solving a different problem than the locking of shared resources.

I know you do, but I asked for his implementation (which needed locks on threads but not on async)

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