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While likely not specifically what the submitter was looking for (that is, will help you get hired), the fact that I immediately searched for "gwern" in the comments so I could upvote or submit myself points towards it definitely being am example of a personal site/project that is memorable.

I've never heard of gwern, but would definitely be more likely to hire than other sites I've seen here. The others are very much: overengineered, presentation-over-content, presentation-over-function, inaccessible. Effectively, they represent an overt focus on the "shiny" while neglecting the usually less exciting, but significantly more important, aspects of development. Not traits I would value in an employee.

Gwern's is up-front about one thing: communicating content clearly.

That said, a prospective employer may very well be more swayed by "the shiny": while I would deem that in poor judgement, I may be in a minority, so these other sites could be more likely to get you hired in practice.

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