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The article basically makes 2 points, which are:

1. They are invisible in the source code

2. They create too many possible exit points

As a java developer I really don't find 1 to be a problem at all. Lots of people complain about checked exceptions, but they solve this problem. It's very easy to see which functions throw and which don't. I'd even argue that the invisibility that is there is a positive -- I usually don't want to think about the error case, but can easily trace the exceptional path if I do. I find that often functions need to go back up the stack to handle issues, in which case the exception control flow is exactly what I want.

Runtime exceptions, on the other hand, are invisible and can be an issue, but things like running out of memory, or overflowing the stack, well, I really don't want to have to write: public int add(int x, int y) throws OutOfMemoryException, StackOverflowException, ...

For 2, I find that they just create 1 extra exit point, which is back up the stack/to the catch handler. You could certainly abuse them to cause problems, but I personally don't find this to be an issue in practice.

I think that everyone agrees that unstructured flow of control is problematic, but checked exceptions do have structure, even if it's a bit of a loose one.

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