That's easy to say, especially in hindsight, but when it's someone you've messaged for 3 or more months, gets into trouble and then asks it's difficult to be cool headed. You convince yourself that you DO know them, and it's above board. Of course, like in this case, once it goes on long enough the penny does drop, but by then it's too late.
Reality is that many in the world have a disposable income of say $1 per day, so many people in first world countries are "obscenely" rich relatively.
I have been in situations where I have believed a few dollars will help a child, will prevent a rape, or will prevent jail time for an innocent.
Is it better to be a good person, at the risk of being scammed? The same happens with beggars - sometimes there is a genuine need.
I develop my shit filter by helping others, even at the risk of being taken advantage of, because it is worth the wins, and I wouldn't want to be a person that doesn't help genuine need when it only costs the equivalent of a few beers (or more!).