Fair enough. I just tried to do a diff between the versions:
Current implementation [0]
* Camera module in the front
* Front-facing Radar
* 12 ultrasonic sensors
New implementation:
* 8 surround cameras
* Front-facing radar
* 12 ultrasonic sensors (updated)
[0]: https://www.quora.com/What-kind-of-sensors-does-the-Tesla-Mo...
So the difference is basically just a few extra cameras and updates to the sensors. It doesn't seem like a huge step or completely new platform - at least when looking at the components.
What techniques were they using to process the data before? Surely it was statistical learning. And if they weren't, their competitors certainly were.
Fair enough. I just tried to do a diff between the versions:
Current implementation [0]
* Camera module in the front
* Front-facing Radar
* 12 ultrasonic sensors
New implementation:
* 8 surround cameras
* Front-facing radar
* 12 ultrasonic sensors (updated)
[0]: https://www.quora.com/What-kind-of-sensors-does-the-Tesla-Mo...
So the difference is basically just a few extra cameras and updates to the sensors. It doesn't seem like a huge step or completely new platform - at least when looking at the components.