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* they've evolved their menus have become healthier.*

Have you looked at the nutrition facts lately? Or seen the new commercials for KFC heart attack of two pieces of fried chicken with bacon and cheese in between?

I wasn't around when the fast food places you mention were founded, but if this is the trend towards healthier then I am amazed people survived for any length of time after they emerged.

(Granted, many have added healthier options lately, but that is in addition to pushing junk food to even greater extremes.)

I had a Double Down the other day. It was unspectacular; not tasty enough to be good, not disgusting enough to be an adventure.

Anyway, it only has 540 calories, which is actually pretty modest.

Given the healthy options didn't exist up until a few years ago I'd call that moving towards healthier menu items. Of course they're going to try to appeal to already existing audience that wants junk food but in the end we've gone from "no healthy options" to "a variety of healthy options" in less than a decade while the junk food items have declined (McDonalds doing away with Super Sizing as just one example)

Adding healthy options is progress, but I think adding health options is very different from the overall menu becoming healthier.

The junk food items have grown not declined though. And McDonald's no longer advertises supersizing, but they will ask if you medium or large and I think large is the same as supersizing was. That is a change in marketing, not in offerings in any way.

What used to be called super size is now just large.

Quarter Double Pounder with Cheese is is worse than the KFC Double Down, believe it or not!

I can walk into any McDonals in america, order a grilled chicken sandwich with no mayo, a bottle of water, and have a legitametly healthy meal any time I want.

You couldn't do that in in previous decades because they only had fried chicken.

So the tools are out there, people just choose to continue ordering the triple quarter pounder.

Since when has corn-fed chicken slapped between white bread buns been "legitimately healthy"?

Do people in N. America somehow not need fruits or vegetables as long as they get meat every single time they saddle up to the table?

Does it come with vegetables? Does it come with some kind of energy source other than meat?

To be fair, the bun is chock-full of carbs (namely: energy).

The double down isn't that bad. The grilled one would be the perfect sandwich to have after lifting weights.

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