If you think that's anything remotely close to average, you have to get out of your country more often.
My mother really loved moving to Canada, because of that... over there she's not thought of as fat (heck, not even as overweight).
I weigh 175 lbs (80 kg) and for my height (5 foot 10 / 175 cm) I'm considered on the fat side for my country (Uruguay).
Whenever a fat consultant from the US comes, he is gaped at (much like the fat man on the freak show).. a TV figure from Argentina is famous precisely for being fat (Daniel "Tota" Santillán)
No. I'd guess him at 99.5th percentile at least in the US, but you're right that he's not that out of the ordinary, given that we now have people who exceed 1000# and can't leave their houses.