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Linux AI programmable robot baby dinosaur. (handlewithlinux.com)
41 points by mapleoin on April 16, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

When I was a kid, toys were powered by imagination. Today, they run linux.

Imagination to the power of Linux.

In Soviet Russia, toy powers imagination ;-)

In a couple decades, toys will be smarter than kids. A couple more, and they'll be smarter than us.

The last time I saw a Pleo story, it was about the robotic dinosaur getting mauled by a battle bot. It gave me rather mixed emotions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95MAyWE0ERk

If we armed pleo with missiles and lasers (think of the 80's cartoon dino riders) I'm sure he could hold his own.

The Pleo is convincing enough to at least attract the attention of dolphins


"It's a Unix system. I know this."

Anybody here actually hack a pleo? I've never seen this before but it looks cool. Any reviews by HN users?

I actually have two Pleos. I never get around to playing with them, though. It's unfortunate.

Imagine a beowulf cluster of these...

I'm feeling an uncanny valley kind of response when I see this thing. It mostly looks adorable and appears emotive but it's not real. Imagine replacing your dog or cat with such a thing. Your dog actually cares about you and maybe your cat does too (unlikely), but this thing is just a machine. You can turn it off and throw it in the corner. To pretend to care about it, all by yourself (not as some fun among a group of people) just seems really weird to me.

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