As amazing as the advancements to image recognition technology have been, I'm equally astonished of the progress corresponding language generation.
I would be interested to see a Turing test with this tool versus a real photographer analysis.
Restrict the "analysis" to 3 or 4 sentences along with a score. The participant goal would be to figure out which analysis came from the AI and which came from the photographer. Would be interesting to see the results...
I'm! You can get in touch with us at hello /at/
You can have a look at your webpage for all that we do (, but yeah, automatic improvement is on the list of potential things we would like to do :)
I would be interested to see a Turing test with this tool versus a real photographer analysis.
Restrict the "analysis" to 3 or 4 sentences along with a score. The participant goal would be to figure out which analysis came from the AI and which came from the photographer. Would be interesting to see the results...