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I don't necessarily think the complaint is that they are incompetent because they are female. The complaint of gender bias is still valid even if the people who benefited from the bias are fully capable of the job. If it can be shown that the 80% women were not hired based on gender bias then the complaint is unjustified.

Do we go looking for that gender bias when its 80% men? Again, women have to prove they belong; the assumption is there has to be some bias or they would not be in those positions.

Yes of course we do. Do you read the same Internet that I do? You can't open a single web page without reading something about gender discrimination in tech and how it's biased and unfair against women. You can't walk into a college campus in the country and not see companies and universities bending over backwards to try to force more women into tech to reverse the trend. There are programs, scholarships, engagement programs, all specifically for women because the entire community acknowledges and understands the bias. Firing or demoting 60% of your workforce instantly so you can reverse the extreme inequality into a mirror in the other direction is discrimination as well, but it is explicit and direct, not implicit and insidious which is why people are offended.

But you realize this.

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