uMatrix comes with many hosts files enabled[1], so even if working in allow-all/block-exceptionally, most trackers/ads and whatnot will still be blocked.
There is no pre-whitelisted (aka "trusted") 3rd-party hostnames in uMatrix, that will be for you to decide.
The default in uMatrix, in full view in the popup panel, can be changed with a few clicks from the main popup panel, and you can also remove all the default whitelisted hostnames in NoScript.
[1] entries are translated into `* hostname * block`.
uMatrix comes with many hosts files enabled[1], so even if working in allow-all/block-exceptionally, most trackers/ads and whatnot will still be blocked.
There is no pre-whitelisted (aka "trusted") 3rd-party hostnames in uMatrix, that will be for you to decide.
The default in uMatrix, in full view in the popup panel, can be changed with a few clicks from the main popup panel, and you can also remove all the default whitelisted hostnames in NoScript.
[1] entries are translated into `* hostname * block`.