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Unless I'm missing something, I don't think it's ever been proven that Bolt used Steroids.

No, just Lance Armstrong. (Many allegations have followed him.) To be fair, he's accused of blood doping, not steroids.

Cycling seems to be governed by the phrase, "If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying."

The tests results won't be known for days, but it was a reminder of the barrage of doping tests that Armstrong has faced in France over the years. Armstrong has called himself the world's most-tested athlete, and last year faced dozens of doping tests - all negative - in his return from retirement.


How many times do pro-athletes in, say, baseball or football get tested in a year?


How many times was Marion Jones tested? He had BALCO-type money that could help evade the current state of the art in testing.

I was referring to Lance's practices.

Ah, sorry. I thought since Lance has been tested so many times and always declared clean,that you must have been refering to Bolt. :)

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