>>Or put in another way: Should you network with YC alumni in case you ever want to apply?
Absolutely, yes. It doesn't mean that you will certainly get in, but having a professional relationship with one or more influential YC alumni will be very helpful.
Like almost anywhere else in life, networking is an essential business skill to have and use.
Why not? Relationships give trust. On the other hand I think if you don't have any relationship but your business is obviously good I am sure you will be selected.
> If 95% of applications are from pre-revenue companies, then the 50/50 split between acceptees which are with/without revenue would indicate that companies with revenue are 19x more likely to be accepted
I've recommended teams that have been accepted, and recommended teams that have been rejected. It's really just another data point to consider, not a golden ticket.
And it certainly can't hurt to network with YC alumni, for reasons beyond just getting a rec.
This begs the question: How much weight does a recommendation carry?
Or put in another way: Should you network with YC alumni in case you ever want to apply?